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audio fidelity

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Everything posted by audio fidelity

  1. seems neat - but idk - the fx didn't blow me away - i think i would rather do microscopic stuff in the studio rather than use this live i don't have kore - which you know - um but this is reaktor sooo...i can't really tell but i assume i would have to pay for the reaktor instrument
  2. i don't think it's legit to sell anything - cause it's non-profit and we'd be breaking those terms and oa doesn't have the physical - djp does and i still think it's stupid we don't have a full album mp3 download - i sure wouldn't want to download all the 40+ tracks individually if i didn't want to use the torrent and download over a gig of stuff
  3. anyone remember power stone? that was my jam...on my friend's console - i never owned
  4. sounds good dude - all the sounds and arrangement are top notch - but your master needs help - the level of distortion your hitting on that bus is too much
  5. Why all the hate Jimmy? I'm cool with the setup. Have the same issue with the ball. My roomate who works at the apple store suggests to rub some alcohol on your finger and use the ball to clean it. I know peeps that have issues wiht the right click but I have never had an issue.
  6. So, I just jumped on the iPhone train and am loving life. I'm sure there are those of you out there that know what I'm talking about. Now before we we make this a flame war of hating on apple, let's just get the idea out there for not just an iPhone compatible OCR but simply a mobile one where seeing new tracks, browsing the catalog, and posting on the forum is made a little easier and more intuitively. I know there's a lot in the works already in the site, but is this a little too faraway before we'll see any implementation? I hope not. I hate to think I'll only be able to dig into the site when I'm on my laptop.
  7. Happy Happy Birthday! have a good one buddy - you deserve it
  8. my understanding is gregorian chant did this quite alot and composers wanted to distinguish themselves from music from the middle ages so it was seen as old and timely if you heard it happen - when western harmony was much more strict it was pretty obvious and people would immediately pick up on it (the audience being more adept as well) today where everyone just does whatever they want with harmony in concert music - parallel 5ths or octaves being a problem are not so much an issue - it just comes down to style besides beginning harmony classes no one is really gonna chew you out if it sounds good to your ear
  9. making music is the real experience - and i implore that you genesis is the track that's changed my life - it simply became what it wanted to - and i'm satisfied - atm thats all i care about but thanks for the crits yo
  10. jade - just sticking up here for mono - cause i don't think she meant to say she thought the song was bad at all but that her expectations of where the song could go didn't match with hers which is the inherent problem for remixing a song and having someone not like it from where they are coming from and how they feel about the source - it's tough right - but i guess hearing something in a new light can be as rewarding as it is frustrating for others i thought the golbez 90's house version was a cool change-up myself - it still comes off dark but in playful kind of way (my fav of blinds tracks on the album) - another thing that could be said for the golbez motif - is that it's also featured in hy bound and cotmm's tracks - which are two different takes on the same theme - so everyone gets what they want - hopefully :/ hehe
  11. you really don't like zanarkand? i'm speechless
  12. Sorry - don't usually address criticism but as far as source - i painstakingly went through each section following the source extremely close The problem that comes off is some of the elements are lost with mixing the vocals so up front. But the harmony is near verbatim minus the chant which is the same progression from the another moon track before it. There is source scattered through every section. The bassline is near verbatim from the original. The hooks are all over the place (stacked 4ths). The verse has in two different variations that come across more apparent in the serialist version. But besides the chorus, yes - the vox melody isn't really source at all. Go through the serialist version without the vox and tell me you still can't hear it.
  13. dangit wes - i'm kinda feeling SoE dark castle ooo - and my vote for opening is for lost odyssey
  14. well the idea was to have a long cresendo - the melody is almost impossible to make out until about the 2 min mark - and we wanted the soundscape to take over - just try to allow yourself to let the mist burning scene takeover and i think you'll find the enjoyment in the track Thanks dude! The track and album just really lent it self to the idea. You'll find the lyrics in the tags - and on the site whenever it gets posted :/ (ahem?)
  15. only aeroz can take steve to 100 - duh have a good one bro! you deserve it
  16. i'm up for the 22nd - but maybe the week after is better? what do yall think?
  17. best movie i've seen in a long time - just loved it
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