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Posts posted by Halt

  1. in before the vikings win the super bowl.

    They will win, Favre will have a super bowl ring with the packers and their rival. :nicework:

    yes we will

    man i dont think ive ever been this excited for a football game

    i can kinda remember back in 98 when they lost to the broncos but i was pretty young then and definitely didnt care as much then as i do now

    also i will DEFINITELY be buying a scalped ticket and flyin down to miami if the jets get in the super bowl i dont care how much it costs me

    If the Jets make it, I want them to win. Since Jim Leonhard is a local around my area! WOOOOO GO JETS

  2. some time ago, there was a guy who posted a thread to help find some article/essay about "Everyone hates you on the internet" I want to find this again, and Google has left me with nothing, haven't been able to find the thread either.

    Maybe it was "The Rules of the Internet" the ones I've seen of that are not the one though. maybe someone bookmarked the thread?\

    Any help is appreicated.

  3. Thanks atmuh.

    Holy shit' date=' it would be insane to see the Vikings and Packers play off for the division championship. If the Vikings win, it would be the best "Fuck you!" Farve could possibly give to Green Bay.

    Too bad I like the Cowboys.[/quote']

    Too bad Lambeau Field still Belongs to Favre. Until Rodgers can beat favre I don't consider it his home field. they said the vikings always lose in the dome, favre prooved that wrong, and he also beat them at lambeau too i believe.

    Also, Favre is the only QB to beat every single NFL Team, the only team he did beat is the packers, and he did that twice. haha. Favre ftw

  4. I've been a Jets fan for some time now and I feel it's a classic case of stick with a team in good and bad. Ive been here since a year before Parcels, so I'm PSYCHED to see them actually holding their own.

    Alright, first off. Holy shit. Someone made a football related thread in OCR. O.O

    and Destillat: Jim Leonhard from the Jets is a local in my Area :].


  5. Stop trying to change what you are. If you are not flourishing in your current situation:

    1. What environment(s) do you flourish in?

    2. What steps can you take that would move you toward those environments?


    Maybe you need to have some of us call you 2 minutes after your friends call you and say "Hey Cody we are going to do OHC and it wouldn't be the same if you weren't there man!! This is your chance to get closer to your goals!" If you are impulsive, swing it in your favor somehow!


    I'll bug you in IRC next time I see you ;-) Good luck bud!

    Please do. I'm Learning Fragment of a Dream/Dream's Creation on guitar, essentially the same song as far as my ear can tell. So like in a couple days bug me about it, I love mitsudas work far too much to drop learning another song of his.

  6. If the time restrictions are an issue you might want to try doing PRC or ORC as another way to get into things where people will listen and provide some feedback on your work.

    Well, its not time restrictions, I have LOADS of time. Its like this, I'm setting up for OHC and whatnot, 10 mins before. I get a call. "Hey Cody we're going here and here and doing this and that."

    My friends and I don't plan shit, we just go at a moments notice, sometimes I get a call as they pull into my driveway as well :P. Things just happen to pop up. So yeah.

    And JUST now I lost all motivation to work on music, my whole "I'll do it later" is kicking in. Lame. D:

    Although, I'm going to practice guitar anyways. ^_^

  7. Hey Halt, I know you're still mixed on one-hour compos, but it's one reason why I do it, because it's an hour of my week when I basically KNOW that I should come up with something (anything, even if it's bad, I post it) for the compo because if I don't the opportunity will never present itself again.

    So in a way it's the pressure of performing.

    I normally don't have time for it, something always gets in the way, sleep, school, or friends usually.

    But I'll take some of the advice here and start up on the track i started last night :]

  8. Hey Halt,

    I think it has a lot to do with the workflow.

    Seeing as you can't yet find a suitable time frame or mindset to get down to practice making music a little more seriously, it all comes down to finding a way to do just that.

    Once again, one hour compo is a really good way to start getting something done in a time limit, and it's still pleasant cause you can feel the rush of emulation while having fun.

    The 'treat music as a job' approach really doesn't work for me, as if I feel I'm forced to sit down and compose, it ends up being a wasted effort.

    I agree with the fact that a 30-45 minutes warm up will really help you get in the right mood. It can be practicing your instrument, or starting something on FL.

    But it can also simply be listening to some music you like, while analysing what you like about it, and trying to learn how a specific segment was made.

    Take your favorite song from ChronoCross for exemple, and try to find out what makes it so great in your eyes.

    Is it Mitsuda's style? Is it the genre/instruments used? Or is it related to the memories your have of playing the game?

    To make music, you have to start by knowing what kind of music you wanna make. Find an inspiration first.

    I like Mitsuda's Style alot. its not so much classical in ChronoCross, but elegant. Yet, I carry more trance/electronic plugins and instruments in my arsenal, so I seem to be going for the fast paced drums, but also like the smooth melodys of mitsuda. Plus, yeah OHC is good, but I work best when I have more then 1 hour to work. :P

  9. It has finally came to my attention that one of the HUGE reasons why I'm not progressing musically, is distraction.

    I've noticed I plan to work in FL Studio and Practice guitar, but what happens is, I end up playing a video game/watching a movie. like tonight, i work a little bit in FL and guitar.

    What are some ways to keep me in the groove of constantly working and practicing?

    Some people said, schedule a time when you do all this. This doesn't work for me, since I am inconsistent with everything I do. However, I do plan to ease up on the video game playing. I don't watch movies much, but i have a few I could watch at night.

    So, my plan is to take all this free time I have, and be more productive.

    Some good ways to keep practicing guitar and working with FL, would be like what? Ideas are what I need here :)

  10. lol, I should have elaborated but I had just gotten home and was about to shower. I was there zirc! I played as the colossus. I was wondering why it was listed under lowlights. :tomatoface:

    Oh and for anyone who didn't know, DarkCecil13 jammed with Sid Meier around 30 mins before Meier put on his mini-concert.

    Bonzai and I had a blast! Glad to have met a bunch of you, and I hope to meet even more next year. I regret not becoming acquainted with everyone. All the people I did get a chance to chat with made the trip down more than worth while. I'll be less shy next year. :3

    EDIT: Ninja'd^


    I forgot to mention that Broken could/should have won the SSBM tourni. He's a BEAST.

    whoa wait. DC13 Jammed with him? I thought he was sleeping the whole god damn time. hahaha. Man, ima have to talk to him. Nice meeting you guys though. Hopefully I will see you next year :D

    MAGFest was really everything i didn't think it would be. I had more fun going to concerts and hanging out with people then playing games at all. I had a great time, almost ran out of money and such hahaha.

    Thanks for the great time everyone, hopefully i can see you all again next year.

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