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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Yeah. That's what makes your remix disappointing.

    Taking an unusual piece and giving it ordinary music elements (drums, guitar riffs, cliché stutter fx) actually makes it less interesting. Taking an unintentionally amusing piece and making it deliberately zany with Speak & Spell and other random voices actually makes it less funny.

    It's weird saying it, but, I prefer the original.

    What pleased me is you identified the Speak & Spell voices.

    On the flipside it was actually very funny to make.

  2. Sad thing is, as musicians, we're pretty much definitely going to bork up our hearing over time. From losing our high-end frequency response to tinitus. Can you hear the rattling all the time, or any other time apart from listening to music or your own music? Actually, hang about...

    ...Y'know, my girlfriend's sister got an ear infection and got completely clogged up with wax. The wax dried up, flaked off in chunks way back in her ear and began rattling about in the ear cavity. Have you seen a doctor about the possibility it's induced by a build-up of wax? It's food for thought because it sounds exactly how she described, perhaps music is making it vibrate around? Who knows, I'm speculating. Worth thinking about.

    I had painful ears from TOO MUCH CHIPTUNE AND SQEAKY MONO-SYNTH; couldn't mix my own music for like a week, I'm not even kidding.

  3. Tear it apart like the douchebags you are who can't appreciate the good stuff when it slaps you across the face. ****ing elitists.
    This is delicious! What's it made from?

    Oh a dash of salt, pepper and a large helping of hypocrisy.

    BTW cool beat, well produced, lacking variation IMHO.

  4. This is one of the worst tracks I've ever heard. That sugar pop stinker label all over it. Let's eat some lollipop and go to school and gossip kind of music. uugh.. I'm getting sick..
    And yet, replace the voice with a mono-synth, add some ultra-fast square arps and stick it in a Kirby game - good song.
  5. Did anyone ever play that Sonic knockoff of Mario Party on Dreamcast called Sonic Shuffle? That's a game that needs a sequel not because it was overly awesome but because it was almost awesome. It even had a card battling mechanic.. so cool.
    My favorite Dreamcast game by far. Such a good party game. If you had visual memory cards in your controllers your cards would be invisible from other players and show up on your individual screens, it was just so badass.
  6. No one's pointed out that Reason is the only one not compatible with VSTs but anyway, Skewered Logic has nailed this. Protools isn't good for MIDI sequencing, in fact, it's terribad. That being said, there's no better DAW for use in the studio; perfect for live users who just want to record something and chop it up. I'm an FL user and I must say that FL is more than capable of recording both MIDI and live input (a single source at a time though), if you were considering going with that.

    It might be worth hitting up some of the other DAW's demos to see if you prefer the flow. You could try:

    Protools (Full version is OSX only)

    FL Studio

    Reason (no vst support)



    Ableton Live

    Reaper ("Free", you can carry on using it after the trial period.)

    Logic (OSX only)

    There are some others, but these are the big ones.

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