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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Alternatively, since the tracks are already lossy, there is nothing more lost by "upconverting" to FLAC. Just for consistency's sake? This also prevents future artifacts when, say, copying the files, or burning to a data cd to transfer the files, right?
    You can if you want, but it's kind of like taking a 300x300 picture then stretching it to 1000x1000 in Photoshop just to match the resolution of the rest of your album. Doing that just makes a small file needlessly huge and just feels more messy.
  2. As we're talking about The Missingno Tracks then it's already been explained. The project has been in the works so long, with so many different remixers and various project leaders, that mixers weren't around to supply a .WAV or project files were lost or even deleted, various things. Rather than simply release an MP3 version and get all kinds of "cut me some FLAC bro wtf i wan lossless" and have to explain WHY not all the tracks have FLACs case by case, it was easier just to bundle it all together with a choice.

    As for the corruption thing, all the tracks have been fine on my machine.

    As for the incorrect version thing, said two versions were incredibly similar. He posted some mp3s as WIPs then the final thing in .WAV. Don't tell me it's not stupidly easy to think "oh, that MUST be the one I converted to mp3" after a quick listen.

    Yes okay, things messed up. Remember that this isn't a bunch of guys in the same room, heck even the same city, it's a project arranged and sorted from all over the world.

  3. Level 99 and pu_freak have got this nailed, exactly how I feel. The whole project has been a massive learning curve, I mean, most of us used this whole experience to develop our mixing skills from very little, to posted mixers. Heck, I wouldn't be writing jazz if it wasn't for this project!

    The forums were always a blast, I'd check 'em probably more than the OCR ones at that; pretty much every day there'd be a new update on some song or a stupid new thread. Haven't really got that same feeling from any of the projects around at the moment.

    Gotta say Damned, I'll sign up for any new project you wanna launch immediately, brilliant project director.


  4. What the?!? Seriously, who would actually fork out cash for this? This is pathetic, and why would they expect a significantly better response outside the USA? Just because Europe is less conservative doesn't mean that the people there will want to play this sorry excuse for a game. This product is so flawed, they should just drop it now.

    Someone's knickers are all in a twist because they live outside the EU. ;D

    No child-friendly sm3x3h ti3mz games for u.

    Actually, this has surprised me; the USA is more conservative than over here? No way.

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