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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. I honestly have no idea what everyone is complaining about. This would pass now, it is still an excellent song. The arrangement is fantastic and while perhaps not as sparkly sparkly vampire as some of his newer stuff, the production is great. Awesome guitar playing, creative drum sequencing, what more do you want? Like Will I've STILL got this in my playlist from when I joined the project.

    Jeez, next you'll be trippin' up in halc's grille with "wtf y r u usin' such lo-fi soundz bro, it's nawt the 80's lololo0lololo0l"

  2. Ah, see, I admit I wasn't exactly sure if the same thing happened to audio that does with video. I kinda figured mp3 -> FLAC wouldn't introduce more artifacts, but I wasn't sure.
    Oh no, not like that. You probably won't notice any difference (depending on how you do it), but it just makes a huge file with no extra quality.

    I'm just imagining the waveform in my mind with the Photoshop thing.

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