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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. It's just another way of me trapping you in this project with no way out :nicework:

    Nah, I think you gave some WIP feedback way back in the day... or maybe it's just because you had sexeh hair. But then you went and cut it SO I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY WE'RE FRIENDS ANYMORE!! 3:

    I don't even know why I bother with this project any more, hating on my hair. Next you'll be slating my race, then my girlfriend, then my nationality. Because that's what you are, a big racist xenophobe hiding behind your fancy computer games project. Well it won't work on me. Just look at yourself man, take a long hard look and ask yourself: "would Donkey Kong like me if he saw me now"?

    FYI, he would not. DK has been nothing but kind to me, he raised me as his-

    Yeah, joke's over now. I'll get you your WAV and have a pleasant evening.


    Draconiator, you sure are emphasising that father thing...

    ...Wes did you have any intmate encounters at an extremely young age?

  2. Um, what is it that you want to say about chiptune music? What it is? How it's made? A history of it? Its influence on society?

    If there's nothing, then do your own research! GO GO GO

    Yeah come to think of the the OP was bloody vague. This whole thread turned out to be pointless anyway because the minute after I posted I stumbled across some research papers. :/

    Ah well, can't blame a guy for posting like a n00b once in a while.

    And Modus, you think you're making a joke, but I've already had to do that. No kidding.

  3. What's LE?

    And thank's for the info. I might have to check out abelton and fruity loops since most video game songs are looped.

    That's not what IBBIBAZZABIB means by loops. FL leans towards patterns; so writing a short few bars and looping that over and over. FL is pretty good simply on the grounds that it's a lot cheaper than the other lot, although, I really would't rule out Sonar or Cubase yet- it's at least worth a download, right?

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