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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. I don't know how you're expecting to get far with the demo.

    Truer words have never been spoken. Wait... Power Metal... MIDI?

    There is a gap in the market for overdriven MIDI guitars- I've not heard one professional track with either of those two glorious GM wonders.

    You live your dreams Gatesoflife7, you live them.

    But in all seriousness yeah, buy FL- or download Reaper? Eh?

  2. Hate to say it but I have to disagree with that. What's the point of having deadlines, even for revenge rounds, if they're not met? I know Zirky's got very important stuff to do, but in that case, wouldn't a graceful bow-out due to time constraints be more appropriate? I mean no offense to him, but waiting this long doesn't seem quite fair.

    Hear, hear!

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