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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Okay, so I'm panicking right now, I've got one and a bit weeks to finish this assignment that I've been putting off all year. Basically I'm meant to show I'm being mature and finding out more about my desired industry of work/going to events related to my industry - that kind of thing. So as the deadline drew closer I suddenly remembered I actually had to do this, but, oh no, I'd missed all the related music job/work/stuff events (so lack of maturity there.)

    So! I'm pleading with you, if you work in the music industry please, please could you take the time to say who you are, what you do, how you got into the industry or anything else related. It would be SOOOOO damn helpful!!

    Thanks very very much in advance! You guys are awesome.

    (PS, no lectures on doing work late, I KNOW)

  2. Hrmm. I can hear all the way up to 22kHz but the note becomes progressively 'lower' and less irritating. Is that my headphone's fault because there's no way that's right...


    The problem with home tests like these is that if you are playing back very high frequencies on a not-so-good sound system (even if YOU think it's good), you can potentially end up with some signal saturation or distortion. This can add some extra harmonics (possibly below the fundamental, which you're trying to hear), which in turn can lead you to believe you're able to hear that high when you really can't.

    Oh. Right. ^w^

  3. Being honest, I never had a freakin clue what exactly I had to do in this game, other than driving round an island on a bike knocking people over. Oh wait, and something about pizza.

  4. Okay, I know very little about the technical side of audio drivers 'n' all that but hear me out.

    So I have this nice new PC running Windows 7, I install FL, realise it's set to the Primary Sound Driver, not good, lots of underruns, I switch to ASIO, no sound coming from FL. On my laptop, when the ASIO drivers are active I get no Windows sounds so I assume it disables the Primary Sound Driver automatically. On my Windows 7 PC I can still hear all the Windows sounds plus anything else I want to run even when ASIO is running. I had an idea that disabling the main drivers manually would work but that just mutes EVERYTHING. I think I need to set the ASIO drivers to override the others, but how do I do that? I've clicked EVERYTHING in FL!!!

    Is there anything I can do here? Please help!

  5. This might sound a bit douche-ish but it's not meant to be a self promotion. I started my first MIDI in april 2008 and finished my Pokémon Crystal mix on January 2009 HOWEVER, I've been having saxophone/music theory lessons since 2001. I have to say that OCR has helped me so much as a musician. Yeah, my production and mixing still has a HUGE way to go yet but I am a firm believer that seven months of lurking the WIP forums and posting tracks, trying to correct EXACTLY each critisim I got, helped me more than school could.

    Simply listening to music and trying to recreate the style and effects used in my favorite remixes (GaMeBoX's 'iMushroom' and Zircon's 'Clash at the Mountains' were prominent ones at the time) was hugely benificial. Couple that with some MIDI deconstruction, to see how they were written, and perhaps a few Google searches for free VST's and Soundfonts and that's really how I learnt to mix.

    I did this pretty much each night for seven months leaving all my schoolwork as second priority. I'm all for what Blue Magic said, pretty sure that's how it worked out here.

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