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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Love this- more good stuff. A really bright feel, both harmonically and textually. The high frequencies might add to this actually. ^w^ A solid 4/4 Fruity Kick beat as well, holding the thing together. Typical halc ending I might add. (Love the ending SFX)

    Continue being awesome.

    My only crit for this is before the main melody comes in, there are some piercing frequencies in one of the hihats thats assaulting my ears.

    Dude, you are ALWAYS compaining about the high frequencies! You either have crazy headphones or your ears are angry with high sounds. ^w^

  2. Rarghhh! Losing inspiration super quick on all mah songs it seems, but, I like the idea of this one so hopefully it'll hold out for at least two minutes... (pfft, that's what she said)

    Okay, this one needs explaining; I love Professor Layton ATM, I really do, and whilst the music is effective for the genre it's just... nasty (excluding Layton's Theme- that's quite cool when it gets into it). Take the source for this remix for example- the Puzzle Theme is just a random walk through melodic ambiguity and anguish. It's actually annoying, especially when you're working hard on a puzzle for ages and you've got

    repeating over and over and over and over and over and over and over.


    But Proto? Why remix this you say? Well, because there was a MIDI for it on VGMusic for one, and two I kinda like giving simple songs complete melodic overhauls. Hurray!

    Anyway, WOW, I've written a freakin' essay. If I ever sub this I've already written the submission letter.


    ANY feedback you wanna give is super useful. I will collect up your hateful comments and use them when I need to cry myself to sleep.

  3. Dunwori guys I agree with you on this. Perhaps not adjacentshadow as much but more Wes. ^w^ I've given up on this one anyway- had nowhere to take it; I did it yesterday whilst I had nothing to do for a few hours. Thnx for teh feedback. I'm working on something better nows anywaiz.

  4. I made ths sng in Frootloops wit mah gf we r so randum lol. i liek my moozix 2 hav a story lol so i made some moozix with a story cuz i liek moozix with a story. whn i grow up i wan 2 b liek Nobuo Uematsu n i made this song cuz he inspirz me an i wan lots of wimenz liek him. he rites moozix fur storieez n i liek moozix with storieez so i rite this with a storrieez.

    Plz crit. i wanna be the best so u got 2 tell meh how to mix kay lol.



  5. Y'know I like where you're going with this one. Some sweet chords. My main problem is that it all sounds rather MIDI-ish - whilst the orchestration is good, there's not 'humanization' on the orchestral instruments.

    I also thought that it kinda needed a melody- I mean you've built up some awesome atmosphere, you have to have a lead guitar anthem or something. ^w^ (But that's up to you, it's just an opinion)

  6. Yeah, the music in these games are awesome- like interactive- each shot you fire or explosion fits to the backing beat. I got the japanese verson of Extreme 2 when it first came out and so I don't have a damn clue what's going on half the time, even though it's mainly in english.

  7. I just wish it were longer :P

    By the sounds of thing Rosalina thinks it's long enough already. Pffft.

    But yeah, thanks guys, you've all helped ^w^. Y'know, I might put real claps in... Also, it's finished, just I wanted to check how the live sax was sitting with everyone. In a couple of days I think I might sub this.

    Dunwori Benny (lulz, that is your new name Lemon) I WILL NOT FORGET.

  8. As for the thick places, probably more near the end, I wanted to build up to the ending a little be so I kinda just threw in about every instrument I was using lol... I'll have to work on that.

    No no! I liked that. I just thought that some instruments were a bit loud when they didn't need to be. The strings at one point are overly loud in the soundscape. *nods* That is what I meant.

  9. Y'know, I quite liked this- lucky thread inspection it seems. Nice builds with some nice chords- would love to hear a tune on top of this- seems like a backing track. Hrm, shall I criticise? Okay! ^w^

    There's always and instrument playing ON beat (or every quaver/eighth-note-or-whatever-you-call-'em) as in, the rhythms are kinda simple in lots of places. You might really really dig that style, but it left the rhythm feeling kinda repetitive. Things got a liiiiiitttttttlllllleeee thick in places, perhaps that was because of the bassy bass- and I thought the drums were a liiiiiitttttttlllllleeeee weak too.

    BUT! I really liked it! ^w^ Possibly the best stuff I've heard from you- but- I've only heard a couple- of- tra-tracks so- this- could- be your worst stuff- but- I wouldn't- know. Cool.

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