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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Don't know if stereo recording would help, but I'm having a huge amount of trouble making anything I record (in most cases, sax) sound "thicker" in the soundscape. Samples and VST's seem to 'stick out' more which makes the live stuff sound flimsy. Stereo seperation helps somewhat, but still doesn't solve the problem. Even listening to professional stuff as a reference, I can never quite recreate it.

    Anyway, d'ya think any of you could give me a bit of advice?

  2. Seriously, I can't thank you enough guys, this stuff is honestly perfect.

    I see. Good luck choosing :wink:

    Choosing? I have to write about it in my exam that's all! ^w^ Personally I go for FL, but I really can't be biased just because I'm not used to Cubase. It's so much more advantagous getting an opinion from people who understands more about it than I do.

  3. Right okay. Finished the actual composition and arrangement. Just waiting on my XLR to USB cable to arrive from teh USAs and I'll be able to record mah sax. Urgh, I feel dirty misusing those perfectly innocent SFX, but, it is damn funny.

    Oh yeah. I'm stuck on a name. Should I go with- 1. "Fill Me Up With Snacky Happiness" or 2. "Restoring the Energy to Rosalina's Bedroom". They're both pretty cringy lame- but that's the point! ^w^


    So whuddaya think?

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