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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Hehehehehe, this is a bit of a silly one. The observatory theme rocks- no question. That tune will be stuck in your head for days. So anyways I decided I'd do a jazz mix, but it turned into a sorta pr0nz groove and it made me laugh; don't worry, the SFX is all from Mario. Peach and Rosalina to be exact.

    OH YEAH! Before you listen remember that I need to record the sax part at some point so the MIDI-esque sax is just temporary! Yay! I'd love feedback, that would be sweet.


  2. Not so much a frustrating story as a lucky one. I had a copy of Pokémanz FireRed (second hand Pokémon games are super unreliable) and I'd played for 150 hours or something stupid. So anyway I wanted to give my brother a battle on Colosseum but, of course, FireRed isn't compatible so I traded my whole team over to Ruby. Ruby was pretty much devoid of any good Pokémon as they'd all been traded over to FireRed...

    As I turned on my GBA with FireRed in to trade my team back over, it gave me the lovely "Save file is corrupted" message. Whilst really really pissed off with the fact my Pokédex was wiped and I'd lost a bunch of AWESOME pokémon, I was super lucky in that my best six had been saved. They are still with me today, residing in Pokémon Diamond.

    So yeah, moral of the story: every second hand Pokémanz game I have has corrupted at some point. Don't buy them second hand.

  3. Okay, first off (this may sound nubbish) but you're not expecting to record MIDI right? MIDI options have nothing to do with ASIO or the input you're using. Okay, now you're probably like "WTF I know that" but I'm JUST making sure, people I know have said stupider things.

    Secondly, have you made sure that your computer recongises the input. I usually get a little window pop up when I plug audio stuff in and I set my input to "microphone", so that the computer knows it's an audio input. I'm not an expert on this by any means (hence the crappy terminology) but I do know how to get that working on my PC.

  4. Just a little something I was working on, a little bit of an experiment to check out some new stuff. *winks at Halc* I figured that a glitchy kinda approch to a Scribblenauts track would be pretty awesome as the game kinda attempts that with the whole vocal thing (well, very mildly) but doesn't exactly pull it off.

    Anyway hope you enjoy, here's the source for the many of you who don't have a clue what it sounds like. The Scribbz soundtrack wasn't exactly memorable...


    And of course, my one:


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