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Posts posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. I'm actually going to get to WIP before Rozovian devours them all!! lol, Just kidding man, Rozo knows what he's talking about.

    I do rememeber this WIP from a while back and kinda let it fade away as they usually do on here when the WIP'er (that's the remix writing the WIP :D) kinda let it slip away. Anyways, that organ riff right in the beginning, and others throughout the song, are just killer. I like how it starts out sounding like another generic remix, but that changes quickly. That little change up around 1:22 with the pipe sound effect and then the underworld version is just badass. Then followed nicely by the underwater theme is awesome. I can't really say much about the production cause it seems pretty dead on right now. I've noticed that when writing techno/electronic music, its a hell of a lot easier to mix it then when metal mixes.

    I gotta ask ya man, are all those samples actually samples from the game(s), or are they VSTs? Cause if they are VSTs i gotta know where ya got them! :D

    Thanks man! Yeah, Rozo does seem to eat 'em all up (he'll deliberatly ignore this one now! n__n) As for your last question- they're soundfonts- I found them a while back now when searching about for Megaman X soundfonts. I ran a quick Google then and couldn't find it- but maybe you'll be more lucky.

  2. Hrm, here's guessing the 'classical' course is actually not just classical but baroque, classical, romantic and a bit of early twentieth century stuff. I think you'd be surprised how good some of the later romantic composers are, I find earlier classical harmonies and rhythms a bit of a drag but don't be put off by simply having heard the popular 'classical' tracks.

    Be a bit more open minded to what you play- you might surprise yourself.

  3. Not for ocr I don't think, but an awesome mix nontheless :P

    Hrmm... Y'know Will, I can see your point there.

    Edit oh my god I just heard the 1up music :3

    *Nods* Yup- and the "Mario got killed" theme is in there too.


    You get a thumbs up from Mr. Googly Eye face.

    You strange person Neblix... ^o^

    That is all.

  4. Heck, I did this song a while back now and never posted any revisions- see what y'think of it anyhow, not too sure if I should sub it or what. (Sorry for starting up a new thread- it's just easier) Just to clarify, all the instruments (excluding the organ and various percussion) are SMW samples and the SFX is from either SMW or SMB.

    Lemme know how finished you think it is and any nagging problems lemme know- I'll fix it. ^o^


  5. It has a nice beat and feel to it actually, but Rozo's right in what he says. ^o^ Bassline is good dude, have it lower down and deeper. More percussion! Lots of stuff panned left and right but not to loud. Thicker fanfares and maybe up the tempo a little? Nice start though, you're gunna kick ass after a couple of months.

    On a different note, nice to see someone who uses those faces as much as me! ^___^

  6. Conduit wasn't a great game, but it isn't as bad as he made it out to seem. My biggest gripe is that his discussion of turning was completely wrong. You can change the settings to turn with the nunchuck if you want to. Now I grant that the game wasn't nearly as intuitive as, say, Metroid Prime 3, and I recognize that these are for comedy purposes more than information, but I think misinformation about a game is problematic, even for a comedy review.

    Agreed. The controls were really quite good IMO... The fact you can customize in any way you wish made it really easy to get going with the game, but heck, it does feel like a Halo clone lacking any original flare...

  7. Jae's right in that it does get a bit repetitive, more variation in the drums would be cool, maybe more instruments thickening up the texture a bit? I was thinking some more percussion panned both sides would be nice too, just something to make it different each time around. Admittedly, it does sound good. The samples and stuff are very nice, they work well- I thought, however, that the subbass was a little overpowering, but I dunno if that's just because I've got my subwoofer turned up loud.

    As for sax sounds, I think you'll wanna get someone to record it for you, I think that a soundfont might ruin it. You could ask The Prophet of Mephisto, no idea what sax he plays though, and I play some sax too, however there might be better options on the site itself.

    Keep it up!

  8. It sounds a bit like a Worms/Peggle track in places actually... Ending cut off a bit quick mind you, you should leave that last note to fade out or something- but it's not really a problem. By the sounds of things you've got this edition pretty fixed in your mind and it sounds pretty cool. I presonally like the snare sound, the kit and writing for it sounded pretty good actually. I thought the metal sounds (or whatever they are) were a tiny bit loud and also that some computery bleeps would've been perfect- but you really capture the Metroid feel with those sweeping runs, I liked that bit. The synth writing is also good.

    I can't really talk about levels and stuff because I'm not using my headphones so maybe someone else can help you there. Apart from that- good luck. ^___^

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