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Status Updates posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. I am aware. Keep posting though. It's good.

  2. I am fine! Did you hear about will and ocad?

  3. I bet the mods think you fucking hate me.

    I mean, not saying you don't. I'd be jealous if I were you.


  4. I can't resist. You deleted a message on my page... I'VE GOTTA KNOW WHAT IT WAS! Was it a confession of love?! A death threat?! A secret code that the government blocked?! Damn... You were trying to warn me about something weren't you? Oh god...

  5. I don't have pretty pictures. Deadline tomorrow, had to drop pictures and write essay. Hopefully you'll have pictures tonight.

  6. I don't know, ask a mod or something.

    But before closing your account, have you ever considered actually making music? ;D

  7. I dunno, ask him. And yeah, Dave the shark and all that. Dave's a pretty revolutionary shark too.

  8. I have had a half finished text to you for most of the day.

    I KEEP getting interrupted by some event. I will finish it RIGHT NOW.

  9. I have my last deadline for uni next Wednesday, I will blow your mind with rhodes AFTER! Leave me be! (´Д` )

  10. I KNO. I KNO!!!! Dun need u tellin' meh 2 'rite?

  11. I know your real name and face... You days are numbered!

  12. I know, you said the exact same thing earlier and I gave an example of why that logic was flawed.

  13. I love the language. And the smilies.

    And the part where you said "WHAT THE FLAC", that was pretty funny.

  14. I R ON MSN J00 SILLEH NUGGET. Ah well, perhaps you'll show up soonish.

  15. I rarely say it. It sounds even sillier IRL than it does online. But yeah, it's more Proto gapgapgap Dome than anything. The allcaps is just me being overly obnoxious.

  16. I really should be in bed now. It's 4:00am... If Emunator doesn't vanish in the next post I quit.


  18. I told you mayne, not 'till after this week. Imma so bizeh.

  19. I would usually flag this kinda stuff as nonsense... But the staring blue eye compels me to believe it's real- it can see through me.

    I'll get to the fridge right away.

  20. I'll take pleasure in saying this.

    NO U.

  21. I'm for get ful dooooooo so rry will mak sur u get ths.

  22. I'm sure there's a MIDI-Out VST. That's what FL has. It's basically what you're doing already but it exports as MIDI. You'll be fine if you ever win- truuust me. And ah, I see.

  23. I've got more of a winking/squinting Stevobomb thing going on thanks to the flash.

    And anyway, Protobomb is much punnier and u kno eet.

  24. If I click a person's profile you're in the recent visitors.

    Not even kidding.

  25. If so... what the hell am I eating right now?

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