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Status Updates posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. If you have any, yeah, okay, do it. I'll PM u bbz.

  2. imma giv u 1 chans. k that is gud. wut song shall we mak?

  3. In a lil' bit, 'kay? ^w^

  4. It gets better.

    I don't even like Chrono Trigger that much.

  5. it is r very pricey and u mite not be able 2 afford such quality. i will do all ur gitar work ok n we will sell millions

  6. It'll be with you tonight, dun wori.

  7. It's atonal noise with gaps. :D

  8. It's not on epilepsy or anything, it's on the musical techniques I employed on my track- but I saw your link, my boredom set in and I thought "y'know what? I do wanna learn about epilepsy" - so I did. ^__^

  9. It's to combat your punctuationless, capitaless username.

  10. Jade, I am sorry but there is no way I can get this done. I've pretty much been on an OCR hiatus since September, ask anyone, I've not been frequenting anything. I am so damn busy. (I warned you. I'm really very sorry.)

  11. Just wanted to drop by and say you are too goddamn awesome at drawing. D'ya primarily draw animé chicks? Or do your talents lay in some secret other passion that OCR is yet to be blessed with?

  12. k hold on tho, gudda get mah socks 'n' toothbrush.

  13. k. her u go.


    thsll mak ur moozaks gud liek mine

  14. lawl at ur sig

    btw thts nawt teh onli thg thts long bout meh

  15. Lawl. Thanks man. ^__~ I remember when you posted yours, you went from "some newb" to "oh wow this guy is actually downright good."

  16. LOL imma limey n00b. LOLOL Willrock, delete me.

  17. Lolwat hilarious. Obviously you're picking on me, cyberbullying is just wrong dude. Imma go report u.

  18. LOTSA SINGIN KIRBEHS. OH SING SING SING. I'll try and type the noises he makes.




  19. Love the sig dude. ;D

  20. May I ask what Uni you're at? Only 'cuz I'm going next year and would be interesting if we were at the same one (although we're probably not).

  21. Meh, I won't have it then. I guess I'll go with tea.

  22. Most definitely. Tell me if you get anything and if it works!

  23. Mwahahahahaha! Bring it on L!

  24. Nah. Why? 10char

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