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Status Updates posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. Pahahahaha. Yeah. It didn't DIRECTLY come from that, but I was well aware of the Proto Dome at the time of conception. Shame I'm not as keen on CT now as I was then.

  2. Every morning I wake up and feel guilt. GUILT. FINE! I AM GOING UPSTAIRS NOW TO FIX THIS.

  3. NUM NUM NUM! Mud chips? Best flavor man. They taste like the creek down near me where people dump their shopping trolleys and crap. I sometimes take down a cup and a bag of plain chips so I can add some of that magic flavoring.

    I get cholera frequently.

  4. Not yet, no. I wonder why...

  5. *Nods* It's my fault too but I just wanna pass the blame on someone else and clear my conscience. Heheheh

  6. Nighty night sugar blossom cherry cake.

    ~Sweet dreams.

  7. Yes.Whitewordsbro

  8. Ah well, I'm sure there'll be something. Lame. In fact, I'd never heard of your DAW until you told me you were using it.

  9. You know I've done it right? Check teh NiGHTS furums.

  10. I have my last deadline for uni next Wednesday, I will blow your mind with rhodes AFTER! Leave me be! (´Д` )

  11. Hrm, hold on that one dude, I wrote lyrics for it the other day... Don't hate on meh!!! ^w^

  12. Probably where you took them off last tiem u wer ovar. (^_~)

  13. No chicken. But I do have EGGS? Eh? Eh?

  14. BTW been working on LRS, the collab. ^__~

  15. "halc must die"

  16. Why do I actually feel bad I said no...?!?! Wait and my guilt will cave in and I'll offer you all my song titiles ever.

  17. Fine... 'Kay... But I'll remember this...

  18. Not that I can remember dude... Huh... I'll go comb my inbox.

  19. Oh DAMN, yeah. Completely forgot. Damndamndamndmandmandmandmandmandmanmdadnmadnmandmandmandma. Amnd.

  20. k. her u go.


    thsll mak ur moozaks gud liek mine

  21. ...So like the Wii Play game or just a tub full of games consoles?

  22. Ahaha, go, go. ;D Sorry, I've been just so bloody busy.

  23. Yeah, I can. Not 'till after Wednesday though. Too late?

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