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Everything posted by Lunarfall

  1. I also note that entire area west of Cianwood City and the desert above Ecruteak City...
  2. Streetlight Manifesto - Point/Counterpoint
  3. ha Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
  4. Jaco is a beast. Mastodon - Oblivion
  5. Cryptopsy - Benedictine Convulsions
  6. Between the Buried and Me - Selkies: The Endless Obsession
  7. Here is some metal with Jazz/Fusion elements in them (although not as much jazz as the example posted). The first video of each is more jazzy while the other is much more metal. Atheist (first band to do it): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyEqpZlZek8, Cynic: , maudlin of the Well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGq6ofW-NqQ,
  8. Buckethead - We Are One lol not a beautiful song
  9. 50 million versus 30 million consoles sold is hardly neck and neck.
  10. Wow this was random but it's still awesome, I will download later today.
  11. Kinda funny, WMP gave me the untitled names instead of the actual ones, so I'm leaving it at that.Btw, I only recently got into Sigur Ros, so all I have is ( ). I hear Agaetis Byrjun is their best though. In Flames - Come Clarity
  12. Andrew W.K. - We Want Fun
  13. This is kind of a small bug, but in the "who posted in this thread" box, the menu bar appears, and is kind of in the way of the top half of the box.
  14. This. Haven't played for years because of the battery problem.
  15. The funny thing is, his jazzy/techno songs always end up being his best work, as heard in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4HBHrlOg_M
  16. I highly agree with this comment, though I can't wait for Graces because of that shitty (okay, not THAT bad), rushed sequel we Wii folks had to put up with.
  17. It's a Tales game, you know that's never gonna happen. Well they might, they did with RM1.
  18. Haha I didn't know the Tales series did "fucking metal."
  19. Sonic Adventure actually has an excellent soundtrack, although some of the songs are a tad cheesy.
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