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Everything posted by theshaggyfreak

  1. Hey now! I'm working on my first remix actually. I've got some stuff from Keith Courage that I'm working on. heh No worries, though. I take it all in stride. http://soundcloud.com/theshaggyfreak/kc-intro
  2. I'm offering up two deals on some of my music. My first album, The System is Down is on sale for $1.00 (or more). http://bsod.bandcamp.com/album/the-system-is-down The album I'm currently working on, Binary Birth, is in pre-order status but several songs have been released already. $2.00 (or more) will get you the entire album and I'm releasing the songs as they're completed. http://bsod.bandcamp.com/album/binary-birth Thanks for checking them out!
  3. Well, whether I win or not, it was a fun exercise. Mine is in the e-mail.
  4. Oh, I can certainly put something together. I already have some good ideas, too.
  5. I went ahead and grabbed Kontakt since I'm starting to work on releasing more sample packs. It'd be nice to be able to put things out in the Kontakt format.
  6. I have a Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 and I'm pretty happy with it. It's got 8 really nice preamps, FireWire and it won't break the bank. I would go for this or the one Zircon mentioned. Both are good. Here's the one I have: http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/SaffirePro40 There are two XLR connections on the front and six on the back.
  7. Portal 2...GET! This is one of the few games on Steam that I've been looking forward to going on sale.
  8. Not long ago, I took a short video of the inside of my studio. So, here it is:
  9. That's quite awesome! I'm glad you're enjoying the refill.
  10. Welcome to the 30's club! Happy Birthday!
  11. Thansk! I need to post a few tutorials on techniques people can use with this refill so that others can get the most out of it.
  12. Awesome! If you want, I can post it on my site as user demo.
  13. Just checked in Chrome and Firefox and it looks good for me to. I believe it's case closed.
  14. Yeah, I know it's cheesy and that it's also Veterans (salute!) day but I'm a geek. So, I'm doing my tiny little bit in participating in this and I put my album, The System is Down, at $0.99 for the day. http://bsod.bandcamp.com/album/the-system-is-down Anyone else doing something silly for today?
  15. I should have a few more up there within the next week or so.
  16. Just a little update... I've uploaded a little demo song that uses only the sounds in the refill. There are no effects added to any of the instrument sounds. I'll be adding more demo songs as time goes on.
  17. I originally started this little project for my own use but I thought others might be interested in it too (chip tunes anyone?). This refill contains the basic raw wave forms from the Commodore 64 and I'm selling it for $10. All the important information is on my website and you can check things out here: http://pureshift.com/documents/sid_sounds_vol1.html I currently don't have any demo songs available just yet but those who know what a Commodore 64 sounds like, you'll have an idea of what it'll sound like. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. This is actually the first little commercial refill that I'm releasing. So, be gentle!
  18. http://www.musotalk.de/video/reason-6-mixing-masterclass-mit-gary-bromham-englisch/ For anyone that users Reason, this 70 min video gives you a lot of food for thought with how you mix in Reason. I know that I've learned a few things by watching it and it has inspired me to attack some mixing problems in different ways. You should watch it!
  19. Any of the sample sets from the old Fairlight system is certainly worth having. The only one I know of off hand is from Bitley: http://bitley.laconicsounds.net/kontakt/ . I have the refill version and it's awesome!
  20. One thing that I didn't mention was that they had an area with a bunch of Moog synths set up for you to play with and experiment. There were also some of older Moog stuff too but it was there just for show.
  21. http://www.bsodcomic.net/2011/10/31/moogfest-exploring-your-imagination/ Here's my write up on it including a bunch of pics. This is really a great festival for any electronic musician whether your'e a fan of Moog or not. My experience there was pretty much on par with what I get out of MAGfest. It was certainly worth the trip.
  22. Congratz, man! Whether you play a show or not, you've got your proverbial foot in the door. It just proves that hard work and determination can get you places.
  23. http://www.retouchcontrol.com/ If you have an iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch, you should really check out this guys templates for the Touch OSC app. I picked up the Record one which gives you full control over the SLL mixer and transport and it does work in Reason 6. I've been wanting something like this because it really is useful to have when moving around to various instruments that I have set up in my studio. Also, it makes work a lot easier if I'm just using my laptop and nothing else. ***update*** Ahh, I see that Touch OSC is also on Android. So, it'll work for those devices as well.
  24. Have had the latter two for quite some time and they're quite worth it. I don't buy too many commercial refills since I enjoy creating my own sounds but there are a handful that I really love. These are two of them. Wavefront just has a plethora of sampled synths and a lot of them are very unique sounding. It's kind of nice to have when you're looking for a quick sound without diddling with sound design. The Fairlight refill has a ton of those quintessential 80's sounds. When I run through the library, I can quickly pick up a ton of presets that were used in a number of hit songs.
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