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Everything posted by Meeting_Gman

  1. Luckily, AngryItch and CrowbarMan were able to put out the forest fire. Also, I don't like Enterthegame, they won't let me use Mibbit.
  2. Did anyone here request Paypal to return their donation? I'm waiting for Crowbar to come home to find out more about it.
  3. What happens in singleplayer, stays in singleplayer!
  4. At the moment the Single Player Survival mode has a bit more going for it. It seems simplistic and sounds like it'd be boring, but it's rather addictive and enjoyable.
  5. Thank you so very much, Crowbar will be a happy man when he gets home. I didn't want to be a harpy about it. Please let us know what benefits you would like as a donator! Don't be shy! That's a really cute idea actually.
  6. I've been throwing around some ideas with Crowbar about donation benefits and just wanted dot let you all in on it. We figure if you donate to thank you for this we will give you a reserved slot and we wil honor any special requests. Special requests are things that we haven't totally figured out yet, but an example is, if you want us to spawn you a record, we will do that. Obviously, this requires more thought and it's not going to be ridiculous requests like 100 diamond blocks. Please post some ideas here of what you'd like if you donated. We haven't had any donations yet, and in honesty this makes me sad. We totally weren't expecting it, but we had quite a few people say they would pitch in if we started a server. Please let us know what we can do.
  7. I'm able to get on. You might want to give it another try.
  8. Crowbar Man is going to see if he can disable Hey0's admin mod so that people can join. However, I don't know if the server has been updated yet, hence why you may be getting an error when trying to connect. Probably not going to work, but he is going to look into it. As for duping, I'm making an effort to try to find information and I'm going to ask our server host (why didn't I think of that to begin with) if it's harmful at all. In the end it all comes down to what Crowbar and all of you think. If you would like duping, please explicit explain it here, if not, then please say to the contrary.
  9. Well, I'll go see if I can find information that suggest duping causes no issues. Blaming other people all the time, won't help your cause though, not everyone is guilty of the "crimes" you perceive them to be.
  10. So your whole world would be better if you just had blue and yellow? Don't you think it might be a bit selfish to do things that may or may not cause trouble for the server and other users? We are giving you alternatives. Also, no reason to remove you from the whitelist, you're just being a little dramatic, big deal, you'll get over it. You can also wait until Crowbar gets home. He's more a way more level-headed person then I am. Minecraft server is still down as our server host is apparently waiting on a third party person by the name of hey0 to update his one mod.
  11. and I am asking you nicely to not dupe. If you want to dupe and have colors, do so in the single player mode, or just download some texture mode that gives you all the colors of the rainbow. Also brick will give you something that is red/white. Color List: White: Snow, Bricks (have white cement) Red: Brick, Lava, Orange: Pumpkins Blue: Diamonds, Water Green: Gr ........really, just making this list there is no shortage of colors. It just sounds like you are stubbornly limiting yourself to only seeing browns and greys.
  12. I don't have any issue with people handing out extra items, that they mined themselves, to others who need it. It's kinda like a soup kitchen of dirt. As for colors, it would be nice if Nocht still had the colored cloth.
  13. I agree heartily as well. I am just going to kindly ask that people refrain from doing so on the server. If you need help acquiring resources there are always people on willing to donate.
  14. Fireslash had stated that it messed with the items table in the database (oh, maybe he can chip in with his exact words, if I remembered wrong). I recall him saying he didn't want anyone duping in the new world.
  15. Yeah, the servers haven't been updated yet apparently. Their news page states they are going to apply the update as soon as possible. Crowbar has made a snapshot of the world and distribution of resources. He will probably post that later. There is so much of the world left for us to explore. As for duping, I'm not crazy about it and considering we don't have root access to this server, if we bork something up with our duping we will have to file a support ticket and wait. I'd really rather not have anyone duping and we construct things on our own efforts. I want to make a place out of Obsidian and I am going to have to do alooooot of mining.
  16. Yeah, I can't get on at the moment either. I guess we'll need to get the one with 10 slots. There are a few spaces free now, you can hop on.
  17. The address is now: The Mumbler address is still the same for now. Let me or Crowbar know if you have trouble connecting. He may have missed someone when he was making the whitelist.
  18. The server has already come back.
  19. This was an awesome game yes it was. Many of the tracks will be forever stuck in my head.
  20. I believe Crowbar has added you. If you have any troubles, let us know.
  21. So far one issue, we are all bumped off the server with server log stating there was too much memory usage. Crowbar is looking into it.
  22. Server is going well so far, whitelist is also enabled. I think we are still using Fireslashs' Mumble server, do you all think we should use our Mumble server instead? Personally, I think we should as it would free up things for Fireslash.
  23. Thank you for the support, guys. Crowbar found a way to import the server backup that Fireslash made, so he is currently doing that. We also have a Mumble server. He's hoping to get it up and running today. As for donations, if you wish to donate, Crowbar could probably set that up through Paypal, but we will test this server first to make sure it will run well for you all. Your offers are sincerely appreciate. We certainly don't expect it, but it's very kind of you to be offering and it would certainly help Crowbar out.
  24. Crowbar is ordering the service at the moment. We are going to purchase the 8-slot option, I don't recall ever seeing more than 8 on at a time when I played. This will also help keep cost down. If you feel like donating anything to Crowbar, that would be so much appreciated. We'll give this a shot. If we aren't satisfied, at least this will give us a month to find something better.
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