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Everything posted by Meeting_Gman

  1. Oh, that is fantastic. Thank you
  2. The site supposedly wasn't supposed to be public yet, but if it wasn't supposed to be public yet, then why does the main page say they had too much traffic giving proof to them knowing it was open? Is it too early for an April Fools joke? Though I don't think this is one.
  3. I do the same thing. I'll use TF2backpack to see what's in my random item queue without bringing the minimized TF2 up. Or I do it if I'm at a different computer.
  4. I'm not sure how any of those ladies will make much money. There is a HUGE catalog of women (and men and animals and Gabe Newell), and it seems there is no criteria for PlayDates, so anyone who wants to sign up apparently is free to do so. I wonder if this is like ChaCha, where you get tiny sums of change that add up with each search request, but then never really make enough to cash out. If I was someone with money to throw away, I'd give it a go and pay someone. Things like this are interesting. I'd pay a bunch of girls and have them temporarily join my clan in an FPS. Yes. Delightful.
  5. I wasted a bunch of camera beards then...
  6. I've played 5 minutes of that game and couldn't stomach anymore
  7. Welcome to all the newcomers! I hope to see you in-game
  8. I like many types of female characters. Lara Croft is one of my favorites. BB Hood is another, I enjoy her cute, gentle exterior which just hides this horrible threatening persona she has. I love all shapes and sizes <3
  9. I am 108lbs and wanting to lose about 3 lbs. I bought a resistance band and also a little bike pedal exercise tool. I do squats primarily as I am trying to focus on the thighs and abdominal area, I am doing those as I have read that they are a really good exercise for the lower half of your body. I also use Wii Sports Resort for fun exercise. I'll also use the resistance band to strengthen my arms. I have weak arms it seems. I try to eat well, I eat foods rich with fiber, don't drink soda, drink plenty of water, eat lots of salmon and I have excluded beef entirely from my diet for many years now. I will have a fast food item maybe once every week or two.
  10. SourceTV on both servers would be fantastic. I'm also in for jump maps and the like.
  11. That sounds like a nice idea See? I told you! Congrats!
  12. Autoassign can be pure bunk sometimes. A nice thing to do would be to just look at both teams before you join, we play here often enough, we are familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of others in the game. Take a look at the teams and think to yourself which team you would be more helpful to. This is unrelated to the current topic at hand.
  13. The very same thing happened to Crowbar Man. I wonder... Also, didn't we have a stat reset just a little bit ago? I had assumed that this: http://www.ocrtf2.com/stats/hlstats.php?game=tf was the new stats page to replace this http://ocremix.hlstatsx.com/hlstats.php I have no preference either way, a stat reset sounds swell. Now I just wish more lads and lasses would be on the server earlier in the day.
  14. How did you do that? I recall that telefragging doesn't work on an Ubered person. The two just become stuck inside one another.
  15. I was reading his Wikipedia entry yesterday. It blew my mind that he had voiced Travis Touchdown. I guess that explains why Travis has such ear piercing screams.
  16. What are the problems? Any time they release any video with the Medic having some part in it, they always use old voice clips for him, so I just assumed they didn't have a contract with that particular voice actor anymore or that he was currently busy doing other work. Either way, disheartening news to hear.
  17. I haven't had satisfying Medic experiences on any server for a while
  18. Spawn camping is an issue on any map, but this one you at least have a window to see what's going on outside. You also can take cover in the house located directly across from your spawn. In my opinion any more then 18 players is too much, with 12 being that sweet spot. Any more then that and yes, goodness, Harvest just becomes a horrible clustercluck of weapon spam. I liked it as arena as well, but arena is generally hated by people unfortunately.
  19. Harvest is a wonderful map. It flows nicely and and has something in it for just about every class. Arena is great too, but I understand many people feel uncomfortable with it. If it's one thing that is guaranteed to kill a server, it's constant RTV'ing, but i think you all already know that.
  20. Exactly! The new taunt just looks so odd. I would rather the kill taunt use the old animation and somehow kill/stun his enemies with the music.
  21. I'm happy they fixed the Scouts legs buggering up, that bothered me since I first saw it. Also, Medic Ubersaw taunt? I must try this now.
  22. I remember reading how many of the Disney movies were about a young girl blossoming into womanhood and something about societies desire for that youthful fertility.
  23. Merry Birthday! Happy Christmas!
  24. I have no issue with the buff banner. It's really nice and not really used that much. The issue I have is the targe and Eyelander, it's so hard to get away from and you shoot, shoot, shoot the Demoman and he doesn't die AHhhhhhh. I think they are nice weapons though. Now the Direct Hit seems ridiculous. I thought it's bonus was simply for airshots. It should not kill you in one hit if you are on the bloody ground. The Soldier is way too powerful as is. I agree wholeheartedly with Clefairys sentiments. Also the Sandman stun effect is ridiculous. Why would someone throw their hands up in the air and run around if they were stunned? Look, I thought the Sandman was annoying as the next guy, but they nerfed it so many times, this latest nerf was totally unnecessary. In the whole perspective of things, I think TF2 is being over saturated with effects and sounds. Something which Valve sought to avoid. I know it is magnified greatly right now, what with everyone trying to get the new items and all, but still this game is becoming more and more cluttered with noise on the screen and noise in the speakers. P.S. Double Cross is such an awful map. There is no real cohesiveness to it. As someone mentioned last night, it's a new version of 2fort, except it lacks the charm of cardboard cutout cows. *grumble* *grumble* Sorry about the whining.
  25. I am hoping the Angry Sun will make an appearance. If not, that is a wasted perfect opportunity! Was sad to see it wasn't in Super Mario Galaxy.
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