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Everything posted by wiredzombie

  1. if you havent watched the newer trailer watch it here ^ i read the comic recently, and i'm so ready for this movie
  2. I just picked up WoW again and I'm right back to where i was stuck before my subscription got canceled I'm still a pretty low level (21), and I have nobody to quest with Bloodmyst isle is annoying me, i literally have nobody to quest with So if your in the Lethon server, and you're just starting out as a drenai, contact me
  3. i need more new games
  4. i think i might just have to look into that
  5. i just need to get earthbound again i havent played that game in FOREVER it needs to release on the vc already
  6. i too am eagerly awaiting but i have yet to beat the game
  7. hmmm, maybe thats because were living in a rough economy so yeah, we have our struggle with economics, and you have you have yours with your higher priced tech have fun with that btw
  8. i liked bioshock so i think i'll take a gander at this game when i get my 360 fixed damn those three red rings
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