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Everything posted by wiredzombie

  1. The only fire emblem game i ever bought was the one for gameboy advanced and from waht i remember, it was pretty challenging, but good Its probably cause i got really into final fantasy tactics that i like it so much I never got to play radiant dawn, but i still need to get it
  2. yeah, i'm about ready to look into that
  3. haha, omg, i know exactly what your talking about i still havent beaten that game i cant believe this thread still exists
  4. ah, freaking shit i've been trying to play for like a week, but all the servers are locked i'm getting so tired of this
  5. ah, this game looks like super win
  6. I hear they're making Earthbound for the vc, i cant wait for it
  7. starfox was always fun, i need to play it more often idk, i dont really feel like spending money on RPG, since i got it for free, and still play it on my SNES
  8. Lets have a tournament zombie
  9. What games are worth buying on the vc, or wiiware? I already bought Ocarina of Time, the original Zelda, Starfox 64, and Megaman 9 I was thinking about buying Secret of Mana, cuz I played it when i was like 10, but idk if i'd like it now
  10. Dude...that would make my week I havent played Metroid II since i was like 9 I played zero mission, and it was ok, i kinda liked it better than the original, cause it was enhanced
  11. i waited for about 15 minutes and then gave up and decided to try tomorrow i didnt get the expansion, and i have no level 55s, so i dont really give a flying shit right now
  12. I'm strongly considering Illidan at this point...but idk Some of my friends, are on Lightbringer But I think I'll just play on Illidan Seems better there
  13. hmm, yeah, i can see why you say that but actually, it didnt take as long as i thought it would to get to level 20 there considering the lack of players in lethon i beat Razormaw on my own the other night, it was kinda hard, but i did it and i'm considering playing on lethon tonight...considering the queues tonight
  14. how do they condridict each other i lethon the server and bloodmyst isle the island just north of the Exodar...not the server o, and wtf happened to WoW today...is it just the release of the new expansion that made everything lock up ...and lethon is one of the few servers i saw that was up. god damn, and i was going to start a new character today
  15. i've used linux, and ubuntu a few times its kinda complicated...well, i only explored the basics
  16. i...cant get it!!! NOOO
  17. thanks alot suzumebachi to bad i spent to damn long on lethon
  18. Does anybody play in Lethon? I SERIOUSLY need some help I'm like level 21 Dranai, stuck on bloodmyst isle I need a WoW buddy plz pm
  19. I've found quite alot of good music lately not much other than hardcore, or indie New Bring Me The Horizon is ok...old stuff is better New Haste the Day is good Anthony Green is definitely an inspiration ask Zombie...he's pretty much in love with Anthony
  20. not gonna lie, i have no love for coin matches
  21. You'll probably not agree, but I have memories attached to BUS! by Shadow (Earthbound Remix) But thats just me Calming... http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01617/
  22. Just watching the trailer for the game I really want to play this game Or at least the demo It looks like a blast, and i agree with pretty much everybody on this thread The theme is pretty good I havent heard GT's remix yet, but I'm eagerly awaiting when i do hear it
  23. Idk, this game looks kinda weird but idk, i was wrong about games like this before i didnt think that super mario galaxy was gonna be real great (idk why either) but it was a really good game i'd try it
  24. (I linked to this on earlier pages) This was shown on spike TV as a "exclusive sneak peak". It's not supposed to be a trailer.
  25. Not gonna lie, I only really by these games for songs i want to play and i normally dont wanna songs like black magic woman, or lay down I'm not really into the old stuff...or Muse fo that matter
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