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Everything posted by wiredzombie

  1. This trailer confused the hell out of me I have no idea what this game is about But i need a psp now
  2. I know this isnt even original at all But Final Fantasy 7, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and the original metroid
  3. D: i wish i had that class i bet, you gotta be creative for that kind of job
  4. yeah, i hate how its so predictable i'd be caught off guard if they actually killed him for good
  5. this is very disappointing theres no comic shop around where i live, but if there was, i'd pick this one up good thing they most likely wont discontinue batman...seriously, would they do that to us?
  6. nah, it was like 5-11 or some crap with the amount of time i put into it, i could have done better
  7. i'm kinda excited idk why if its like street fighter, i'll probably shoot jean claude van dam....again
  8. i would be more than glad to see this
  9. so i played 8 hours today i gained like 6 levels kinda slow
  10. I ate easymac for thanksgiving
  11. ok, so i added both to my friends list add me sometime Atex
  12. i agree and how many of those people who play sports do you think play videogames anyways?
  13. Damn why did i decide to sleep in
  14. wow, thats alot to take in thanks dude, i didnt know really any of that i'll hit you up when i get further up i'm like level 5 with my tauren druid
  15. Do you have any tips for leveling up quicker I'm pretty excited to get the new expansion, but as of now, i have no job, so i have no way of getting it anytime soon
  16. I'd rather switch to horde than have nobody to play with
  17. ok, so i just got into Illidan lvl 5 priest human
  18. yeah, so i havent gotten to start on illidian yet so i've started on lightbringer does anybody on OCR play on lightbringer?
  19. its times like this where i wish i had money and a job
  20. wow...if that project ever goes further than a trailer, hit me up damned...you made my day, thank you
  21. :'( my 360 died...it actually make me sad i havent played xbl in like 4 monthes nd i miss plying bioshock i REALLY need to get that shit sick
  22. I feel the need to level up faster After playing for Lethon for so long, and starting a new character...its a pain in the ass
  23. Idk, if its going to be after Metroid Fusion, I hope it has the Fusion suit still, idk why i like it so much, but it seemed cooler than just the normal Varia suit.
  24. Idk, I think that the hardest boss I've ever fought was the final boss of Sonic Rush Jesus, there arent ever enough rings to stay alive
  25. This game looks pretty good...or it does from what i've seen of it After Sonic and the Secret Rings...i pretty much lost all of my faith in Sonic, but i guess i'll try this game
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