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Everything posted by Nintendude794

  1. Started out as an experiment with Secret Of The Forest from Chrono Trigger; became a sort of mashup of various Forest themes. https://soundcloud.com/nintendude794/secrets-of-the-forestz-first Any and all feedback, please! Compliments, complaints, comments, concerns, etc.!
  2. Lot of legally free music on http://bandcamp.com .
  3. iSent The Damned a PM almost two months ago. You'd think he could at least tell me "No thanks" rather than hold me in suspense about claiming Tetris, assuming it was/is a "Nope, sorry." ^And then I tried to post it in the forum itself, following a fellow nooooob's lead. We both were criticized err berated by WillRock for it. Although WillRock seemed to like my sketch! So, since apparently WillRock is running the sources [also/better], Howdy again! And since I'm finally posted--even though my past PM included the same track as my audition, while it was still in To Be Posted queue--I just now forwarded that same message to both o' y'all. If it's no longer impressive--which is how I feel, seeing as how I recorded it 18 months ago and as such have likely gotten so much better--I also put this rough, specific idea for Tetris on my SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/nintendude794/tetris-fur-elise ^Look at how many people have listened to and downloaded what I thought a terrible sketch! And that's my most downloaded track on SoundCloud... Sorry to message in both places, y'all. I don't care what the answer is, I jus' need one and've been waitin' on one, so I can stop worryin' about claiming it and/or get to work on a quite legit piano take of Tetris. Thanks.
  4. So I'm scoring indie game(s) for a friend, here's one: http://fullmetal-0240.deviantart.com/art/Rubber-Bullets-Complete-first-level-287435692 Here's the Level 1 theme: http://soundcloud.com/nintendude794/narrowed-hollows-sketch-2 Here's Level 2, if not instead a Bonus Room: http://soundcloud.com/nintendude794/swell-n-well-sketch-1 And an attempt at the first Boss Fight: http://soundcloud.com/nintendude794/bouncing-on-the-balls-sketch-1 Another of his games I've already started on music for is called SketchBook Adventures: Although he says it's pretty much a dead project, here's all the variations on its theme I've composed for it: http://soundcloud.com/nintendude794/sketchbook-adventures-theme I post these here with a few questions: -constructive criticism and compliments, have you any? -do these three tracks feel like they belong to singular, coherent game(s)? -not a priority in posting this, but if you're interested in helping me produce/mix/master if not co-compose, PM me about it Sincerely with thanks, Hunter "Rubix" Short a.k.a. nintendude794 P.S. Unrelated, my debut recently got posted! http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02427/ Yay for not-so-good one-and-a-half year-old piano solos! _________________________________________ This is just one of many musical projects I'm involved in lately: -Music Supervisor for recent and future videos at MrDrBrettMan (BrettMetz Studios) -A Christmas Musical Zelda Parody, also for the aforementioned YouTube channel (Brett's my roommate at university next year, we'll be freshmen) -Composing songs for my high school's best poet's lyrics -Scoring games for the friend whose game is the subject of this post -OCremix project participation, and aspiration direction -Original albums -etc.
  5. Still onboard for Ice Water? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCLR3NYOQMvNJjJZq7nZwC5s2M3Cz_EKCWzNv8eu6WM/edit?authkey=CKOhkIML

    Tryin' to get it an official project forum by the end of the month so we can get rollin', if you're still interested.

    Sincerely with Thanks,

    Hunter "Rubix" Short

    a.k.a. nintendude794

  6. Still onboard for Ice Water? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCLR3NYOQMvNJjJZq7nZwC5s2M3Cz_EKCWzNv8eu6WM/edit?authkey=CKOhkIML

    Tryin' to get it an official project forum by the end of the month so we can get rollin', if you're still interested.

    Sincerely with Thanks,

    Hunter "Rubix" Short

    a.k.a. nintendude794

  7. Still onboard for Ice Water? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCLR3NYOQMvNJjJZq7nZwC5s2M3Cz_EKCWzNv8eu6WM/edit?authkey=CKOhkIML

    Tryin' to get it an official project forum by the end of the month so we can get rollin', if you're still interested.

    Sincerely with Thanks,

    Hunter "Rubix" Short

    a.k.a. nintendude794

  8. Still onboard for Ice Water? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCLR3NYOQMvNJjJZq7nZwC5s2M3Cz_EKCWzNv8eu6WM/edit?authkey=CKOhkIML

    Tryin' to get it an official project forum by the end of the month so we can get rollin', if you're still interested.

    Sincerely with Thanks,

    Hunter "Rubix" Short

    a.k.a. nintendude794

  9. Still onboard for Ice Water? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCLR3NYOQMvNJjJZq7nZwC5s2M3Cz_EKCWzNv8eu6WM/edit?authkey=CKOhkIML

    Tryin' to get it an official project forum by the end of the month so we can get rollin', if you're still interested.

    Sincerely with Thanks,

    Hunter "Rubix" Short

    a.k.a. nintendude794

  10. Still onboard for Ice Water? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCLR3NYOQMvNJjJZq7nZwC5s2M3Cz_EKCWzNv8eu6WM/edit?authkey=CKOhkIML

    Might have to ask you to claim only one track. Not sure yet, we'll see, but jus' thought I'd let ye know. Love both your WIPs though :D Keep workin' on both, we'll discuss which to keep? :)

    Tryin' to get it an official project forum by the end of the month so we can get rollin', if you're still interested.

    Sincerely with Thanks,

    Hunter "Rubix" Short

    a.k.a. nintendude794

  11. Still onboard for Ice Water? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCLR3NYOQMvNJjJZq7nZwC5s2M3Cz_EKCWzNv8eu6WM/edit?authkey=CKOhkIML

    Tryin' to get it an official project forum by the end of the month so we can get rollin', if you're still interested.

    Sincerely with Thanks,

    Hunter "Rubix" Short

    a.k.a. nintendude794

  12. Still onboard for Ice Water? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCLR3NYOQMvNJjJZq7nZwC5s2M3Cz_EKCWzNv8eu6WM/edit?authkey=CKOhkIML

    Sorry, I know I already PM'd you last night, but I'm leaving Visitor Messages to everyone who's on my Remixer list to ascertain who's still interested. I love your WIP, I'm interested in having you on the album for Aquatic Ambience.

    Tryin' to get it an official project forum by the end of the month so we can get rollin', if you're still interested.

    Sincerely with Thanks,

    Hunter "Rubix" Short

    a.k.a. nintendude794

  13. Oh, thanks! You're welcome! :D Ever need more help in the future, I'm glad to help! :)

  14. I messaged The Damned about claiming Tetris. For everybody, though, here's a WIP/demo/sketch: http://soundcloud.com/nintendude794/tetris-fur-elise I don't understand why this rough sketch seems to be one of my more popular SoundCloud tracks... Thoughts, constructive criticism? It's only a quick draft, and if I'm allowed if not encouraged to take Tetris, my next WIP will be much better.
  15. Still onboard for Ice Water? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCLR3NYOQMvNJjJZq7nZwC5s2M3Cz_EKCWzNv8eu6WM/edit?authkey=CKOhkIML

    The link to your WIP's been broken for months now, iThink. No worries. Do you still have that WIP though? I really liked it.

    Tryin' to get it an official project forum by the end of the month so we can get rollin', if you're still interested.

    Sincerely with Thanks,

    Hunter "Rubix" Short

    a.k.a. nintendude794

  16. Still onboard for Ice Water? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCLR3NYOQMvNJjJZq7nZwC5s2M3Cz_EKCWzNv8eu6WM/edit?authkey=CKOhkIML

    Tryin' to get it an official project forum by the end of the month so we can get rollin', if you're still interested.

    Sincerely with Thanks,

    Hunter "Rubix" Short

    a.k.a. nintendude794

  17. Still onboard for Ice Water? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCLR3NYOQMvNJjJZq7nZwC5s2M3Cz_EKCWzNv8eu6WM/edit?authkey=CKOhkIML

    Tryin' to get it an official project forum by the end of the month so we can get rollin', if you're still interested.

    Sincerely with Thanks,

    Hunter "Rubix" Short

    a.k.a. nintendude794

  18. Still onboard for Ice Water? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCLR3NYOQMvNJjJZq7nZwC5s2M3Cz_EKCWzNv8eu6WM/edit?authkey=CKOhkIML

    I quite like your current WIP, "Tidal".

    Tryin' to get it an official project forum by the end of the month so we can get rollin', if you're still interested.

    Sincerely with Thanks,

    Hunter "Rubix" Short

    a.k.a. nintendude794

  19. Still onboard for Ice Water? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCLR3NYOQMvNJjJZq7nZwC5s2M3Cz_EKCWzNv8eu6WM/edit?authkey=CKOhkIML

    Tryin' to get it an official project forum by the end of the month so we can get rollin', if you're still interested.

    Sincerely with Thanks,

    Hunter "Rubix" Short

    a.k.a. nintendude794

  20. Still onboard for Ice Water? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bCLR3NYOQMvNJjJZq7nZwC5s2M3Cz_EKCWzNv8eu6WM/edit?authkey=CKOhkIML

    Tryin' to get it an official project forum by the end of the month so we can get rollin', if you're still interested.

    Sincerely with Thanks,

    Hunter "Rubix" Short

    a.k.a. nintendude794

  21. A piano medley focused on Tetris Theme A which I'm working on in hopes of getting it onto the GameBoy 25th Anniversary album. http://soundcloud.com/nintendude794/tetris-fur-elise
  22. Me and a couple friends jammin' on Cloaked In Blackness from Halo: Anniversary and Halo 1. http://soundcloud.com/nintendude794/under-covers-of-nights Feedback please!
  23. May I assemble my ideas of a Tetris mix for your GameBoy project, as a demonstration and application to claim it?

    Here's my best remix (and only Judges-approved piece, to soon be posted) perhaps as a sort of audition: http://tindeck.com/listen/kzuo

    (I'm also nintendude794 on SoundCloud and most everywhere online, but I can't link you to my SoundCloud's newer, slightly remastered--LionTamer had me adjust the volume a tiny bit--copy of the above audition mix because my school's Wi-fi blocks SoundCloud)

  24. Sources: -will add soon-
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