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Giga Bowser

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Everything posted by Giga Bowser

  1. I will gladly buy this as soon as I can, I was wondering though how can you sell this isn't this violating someone else's work? If its ok is there a copyright I really need to know so that I could copy and send the tracks to my friends thanks.
  2. The second track was nicely done too, well I wonder what the next genre would be8-)
  3. Amazing!! way to go clay I loved the new track and its a unique style brambles too ^^ I personally didn't like the ending much but its still awesome well I'll be looking forward for the others keep up the good work, oh and I may I ask what style will you remix the mechanical meltdown it was one of my favorites? well I hope it will still have some mechanics in it XD
  4. Can't wait for this final release its supreme I loved the boo sounds with the fusion of the background O_O well keep up the good work I'll be looking forward for the final version ^^
  5. Is there going to be another version on this? I think that the old vgmix had a quake 2 remix too but I can't find it T_T if anyone knows please tell me thanks.
  6. This is the best Ice cap zone remix I heard to me its something that I won't forget no amtter what everytime I listen to it I get excited,its addicting and best of all it has a sound that when I heard it I just couldn't believe I'm hearing such a sound I never heard it the sound that is both original, sonic sound and at the same time its kind of new i.e its like the new generation sonic.I'm sorry I can't describe the sound but its at the beginning and comes back again in the meddle and towards the end.This remix without no doubt Epic and perfectly done.
  7. I really will as soon as I get into youtube that, cause I really use youtube much, I don't even have an account yet, I know that its so useful and undeniable to some ppl but I am looking forward to begin using it.
  8. Wow with no doubt you really do rock, it seems finished to me but I think its a bit short, well I don't really know what you can add to it I wish I could help in some way anyway if anything comes to me then I mention later.I remember that you had a wonderful mix on sonic greenhill zone, I was wondering why have'nt you ever finished it? I really enjoyed it in fact I still listen to it.
  9. When will this be completed its awsome, never heard a brambles mix like it.It was so refreshing to me and I liked it alot keep up the good work oh and my advise (I'm not an exp man) why not add monkey sounds or vulture/squaks sounds toward the end in the background I think it would turn wonderful won't it?
  10. Its the best I find it something really unknown and excellent the truth is I've been looking years to hear a trance music like that if you know any other tracks the same genre or what is this type of trance or any other info on someone who makes these I'd be deeply grateful. Oh and my second best was echoes it was very well made anyway thanks for your remixes and btw I'd like to ask you something you don't have to answer, but the reason I am is because I couldn't contact you V_V. Well I would really like to know why didn't you join the serious monkey business album were you busy or did you want to give a chance for other remixes or is it because you have done enough DK2 remixes, the reason I'm asking is because I care and I personally find that the best DK2 remixes are the ones you make and no I'm not exaggerating I really do admit it and please don't be modest Thanks. Please forgive me if I intruded or annoyed you in any way by this message.
  11. Dead Ragenning was EPIC it was the best remix I've heard in the serious monkey business album.!!!

  12. I am the one who should be thanking you, you really put alot of effort into the celtic and the flute.

    I really am grateful and anytime I hear it I get relaxed.Ive been waitin years for this track to be remixed and hopefully it has been one of the best ^^

  13. This remix was nicely done and it was just like the style I hoped it would be ^^ thanks for all your effort and hard work.
  14. This is good news DK3 had awsome soundtracks well the snes mostly the gba did have some funky ones I liked swankeys turbo tunnel or what you call it anyway good luck on the project and I'll be looking forward to it, Can't wait to hear the water world remixed my fav track Oh and btw I would like to know if its ok with you what do you mean by Emunator do you like or hate emulators or does it have nothing to do with emu's?
  15. It brought a lot of memories on this hard level/part of the game I loved the background and the intruments were very well done:-o
  16. Well the biggest part I hated is the voice of the vocals,but I only feel that the vocals fit with "in a snowbound land" but the other too I disliked the lyrics and the voice if there wasn't an instrumental version on monkeys disarm their kremlings it would've been three cause I think the vocal on that one was horrible V_V if I'm being rude please tell me the correct word I should use and I will change them. Thanks
  17. I know I made this a long story, but I forgot to mention this important point when I brought protricity I didn't mean that your all worthless piece of shit compared to him no matter what the way I see it every remixer here has different skills and I respect everyone, I'm if I offended anyone here in any way. The reason I said Protricity isn't just because I find him the best dk2 remixer its because that I listened to every remix in fact I listened to almost every remix on this site and I never found someone like him who can do a metal remix, symphony, synthetic and so on, I can't say that I am sure that he's the best cause I am not a remixer or composer myself and I don't have any exp (hope to in the future). I really enjoyed this album and all its tracks except the vocals and the most and best of all I enjoyed was Mazedude's Dead Ragenning (Bad Bird Rag) and secong was Tetanus then brambles and forest interlude
  18. I think that I should thank you too I'm sorry if my English is crappy cause its me second lang anyway I hope there will be a future DK3 album I know its tracks weren't awesome as 1 and 2 but its had some amazing ones I personally would like to hear the water level remixed (forgot the name)
  19. Thanks I've had a hard time thinking what is the best way to say all this.
  20. For all those who think that everyone here should accept anything because its free I don't think that way in fact I don't mind either paying or not since its valuable to me,I really want the best for these remixes I didn't complain I just wished that those two remixes on hot head bop and the mining melancholy could've been instrumental they're also one of my fav therefore this means its my opinion I don't have to mention that since we all know that!!! The only thing that bothers me is that no matter how hard you try to put vocals its a vg music track therefore the best for it is be that way why try and destroy or seperate from the original? Oh and I didn't mean that protricity would have done everything its just that I really got upset that he had'nt joined since his remixes are the best (IN MY OPINION).
  21. This album is amazing ,but it would have been better if they at least do an instumental version for each vocal track the vocals really did piss me off I myself am not a fan of vocal music bu who knows if they had thought of adding this option things may have been alot better and they won't lose anything except time and I think its worth it. Oh yes and if only proticity had joined this I think that things would have turned out much better.Dont get me wrong I really appreciate all the hard work they have done and I thank them all it really took a long time to finish but it was worth it ^^.
  22. You are amazing!! Ive been waiting sooo long to hear a mix on this addictive track. Keep up the good work I'll be looking forward to your future remixes Oh yes forgot to mention the part that your only 14 !!! I'm 20 and I can't even make one perfect remix V_V well may be in the future....
  23. As expected from DigiE this is too amazing in fact its a long time Ive heard a remix from you since castle of tears anyway keep up the good work ^^ I'll always be looking forward to your future remixes.
  24. well in my opinion I think I'd like to here a trance remix of this.
  25. Q2 soundtrack r one of the best on my list I really appreciate the arrangement you've done so far. This is the second remix I listened to on quad machine There is one from davemon if any of you haven't heard it I'd recommend it coz its not that bad anyway I'm still waiting for an ultimate mix on this. thanks.
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