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Giga Bowser

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Everything posted by Giga Bowser

  1. Thanks for the wonderful pokemon remix its my favorite pokemon soundtrack and now its one of my favorite remixes.

    Biggest thing enspired me about it is that you stuck to the original alot and I had hoped it would be remixed like that plus with insanely epic sounds well done :D

  2. Love the intro and ofcourse while listening, I got curious and I may wanna try out this game
  3. Aaaaah Finally I'm amazed still haven't heard anything I'm so excited ++
  4. Well I enjoyed this alot, but to be honest I find your other remixes more attracting I preffer the chiptune genre more than anything ^^
  5. As usual another dk remix added to my collection all hail HALC I knew I'd even like it before listening to it, anyway I'm a bit confused I have a dk remix and its the forest thats never sleeps from vgmix and I think the artist is Halcyon so was that you all the time ?! if so how can I download the rest of your old vg remixes?
  6. As I downloaded this album the moment I started listening to the tracks my minds froze and my thoughts glitched!!!, I can't understand it all my life I hate lyrics no matter what and yet I like listening to those.. HOW?! this album made me think so much about even its name whats the answer? XD I want to know how the hell I liked it so much I never listen to vocals ever and this one was accepted
  7. I remember this when it was in the wip congratz on getting it accepted on oc willrock ^^
  8. I remember this when it was in the wip congrats on getting it through the judges, I'd really love almost any remix from brambles
  9. Well I personally think this album will turn out the best simply because halc and chthonic remixes are one of my fav style of remixes and especially with these legendary vg soundtracks. Ofcourse the only disadvantage would be the soundtracks itself are not as good as sonic the hedgehog 3. which means more difficult for remixing maybe....
  10. When this project comes out I shall break anyone who stands in its way, theres so much inside me I can't wait to let out. I thank everyone for this wonderful project and its supporters.
  11. Is this thread dead VV I was looking forward to the other tracks, don't want to be greedy though since the serious monkey business came out, but hey y not even more dkc2 remixes?
  12. Just listened to the second preview and I was dreaming about my childhood8O, I can't wait for this I know from now that this album will be one of my favorites, plus one of my favorite remixers are HALC and CHTHONIC best thing of all the remix is to have the lovely original memories. Good Luck on this wonderful album
  13. Amazing u seen to have pretty good experience I love it. ^^
  14. Wow I'll be looking forward the this wonderful album. Thank u for this brilliant work and wonderful news for the release.
  15. wow I requested this a very long time ago thanks so much ^^ btw I'm working on a musha remix myself but I'm doing the title,I intend to do all musha's soundtracks, I really will take too long because I'm still learning FL anyway I'll let u know as soon as its done.
  16. I really enjoyed it and as long as dkc remixes go on I can live on hoping for new ones. sorry if i am a bit greedy but dkc must live on anyway I didn't get the title what do you mean by "Like Bubbles"?
  17. I know that but what I meant is I need an account to upload...oh I see you only want any link to that music ok then thats the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rxj6Vupkn38
  18. Well everyone looks like I'll be learning how to use FL studio, but I'm just begging to learn the basic anyway I'll try to learn as fast as I can to make a remix of this glorious game, I already am planning to start with the main menu and then do a full metal fighter remix, your probably thinking this guy has gone nuts but really I'm planning and will be doing this and as soon as I do a rough wip remix I'll post it.
  19. Thanks for the info about Protricity you seem in touch with him I saw that you two are doin Cavern Caprice DK3 I'll be looking forward to it. ^^

  20. What happened to the director of this album? is digital coma truly banned!!! V_V for what reason I'd like to know, I'm really shocked after all if it wasn't for this wonderful album I wouldn't have been here today especially at its time when I was searching for dk remixes. anyway if anyone knows what happened to him please let me know I wanted to contact him.
  21. That was amazing I loved the labyrinth and the greenhill mostly, can't wait for the release.
  22. Ok now I understand everything thanks oh and I hope you could pay off the bill, wait is it true if so you are really something by being sick and making these tracks they're the exact opposite!! I really respect that ^^
  23. Everytime I put myself in a tough position just because my sentences are crappy V_V I didn't mean to sell or make my own profit what I meant is that do I have the right to give someone the cd and lets say he cop...... oops its seems that I really was an asshat sorry if I wasted anyones time, but believe me it won't happen in the future and I'll forgot all this and anyone who remembers this moment I'm gonna have a hard time to try and convince him on any future situations.
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