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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. Hello.

    I'm attempting once again to spread my work. And, this time, I've got

    something I've put alot of effort into! Heh. Well, It's the Mega Man

    X2 tune of Zero's theme. Where Zero is battling X. It's located...


    There. In one of those locations, if the direct link doesn't work.

    Since I'm new at this, I'm not sure what you want but my info is...

    Title: RZX Zero

    Original Song: X vs Zero

    Game: Mega Man X2

    Original Composer: Unknown

    Remixer: Strider Kyoden



    Alright. Thanks alot.

    ~*~Strider Kyoden~*~


    ~*~Strider Kyoden~*~


  2. Hey, DJP. I've got something I'd like to submit here.

    It's a remix of the One Must Fall Electrical Cage theme, and some others - namely; Mortal Kombat - Reptile's Theme - from the movie, and a 'lil bit of X-Kaliber 2097.

    Oh yeah, before anyone's heads start popping off, i'd like to tell you the volume in some places really peek out, but I did this solely for effect. I want the ending pattern of the theme to come out well organized, or so to say. So that it 'notices', anyway.

    If this should be removed, please tell me. =D

    Well, that's it. The mix can be found here;

    unless the bandwith has ran out on me.

    My handle is Nemesis, and my email is SSJ5NeMesis@hotmail.com.

    Yes, i'm the one who sent that freaky Remix some time ago, sorry 'bout that ^^;...

    Thank you for your time,


  3. email sub, Blue Speed Dust.mp3 -djp

    Hi there,

    My name is -, and my nickname is FlashX. I am a new remixer and this is my first submission. The track is from Sonic CD, on Sega Mega CD. The title of the track I have composed is 'Blue Speed Dust' - Hope you like it.

    I look forward to any tips or suggestions for my next remix.

    Yours sincerely


  4. And why Tarintino? Why not The Revels or Dick Dale and the Deltones?

    This is true - Tarantino might deserve some credit for popularizing surf music, but either of those references would have been more directly and legitimately crediting the genre. I did consider that. I guess my rationale was more that I was specifically picturing the intro to Pulp Fiction in my mind when I was planning the mix, so it was the inspiration instead of the most appropriate mix title to denote homage to the genre.

  5. The original song is the Phantasy Star 4 Air Castle theme. My version is entitled "Aerial Fortress". I have uploaded it to or, if that does not work, it can be found at . You can credit it to Andrew Aversa (but use "dj zircon") with help from Colin Eichinger ("Rebel Faction"). You can include this email, but not the website since I am still working on it. I am not sure if the song's ID tag is correct, since the full title could not fit; I had to use the second id tag type. I believe it is acceptable by the submission guidelines. Thank you in your advance for your time,

    Andrew Aversa

  6. Hi there,

    Having checked out your Games Music site for several months now, downloading some great tracks, I particularly like the work of McVaffe, I've just started with remixing music for myself. I've only got one file ready to submit but I think its quite a good one. It can be found at the bottom of Its a Remixed version of the Song of Storms from Zelda: Ocarina of Time on N64, as I noticed no-one else had done it. My Handle is Gazzamm if you choose to actually use my mp3 on your site.



  7. Hey, I’ve been messing up your servers playing songs on repeat for a couple years now, and thought I may as well try to contribute… my song is called “old school” and can be found here:

    or, if that didn’t work, just hit and download the first song you see.

    When I uploaded the song, the id3v2 tags were probably not exactly to your specifications, but these can be fixed if necessary…the song is the important thing, right?

    Just lemme know when ya get the track—thanks again.


  8. After letting this work-in-progress sit on my hard drive for weeks I decided to finish it off and submit it.

    Game: Chrono Trigger (SNES)

    Track remixed: The Day the World Revived

    Remixer: Spekkosaurus

    (The ID3v1 and v2 tags are all filled out)

    Even though the original track was short, I made a somewhat industrial/techno remix of it. It's a little different and a bit experimental.


    - Spekko

  9. Hello again! This remix is from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and is

    entitled "Melancholy Apocalypse". It can be found here: This is going to be my last

    remix for a while, I think. I'm going to wait and see if this remix and the

    other ones I sent a while ago make the cut. If they do, I may consider doing

    more! :)


    Nigel Simmons


    STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*


  10. Its been over a week, I dont think we'll get a response.

    Any ideas?

    I say continue voting on it. If it gets a yes, we'll persue a higher quality encode.

    Continue voting. We can't delay on every mix that comes in with a sub-par encoding job for the artist to correct the issue, especially when there's many more mixes coming your way soon :D

  11. Personally, I like the idea of the sax, but I think it sounds terrible. Maybe it's the compression of the file, but the whole mix sounds incredibly "grainy" on two different stereo systems set at neutral levels.

    Well, all I can recommend doing is trying headphones. You're right in the sense that, from a recording perspective, it doesn't sound like anything else I've done, and isn't very "clean" - but from what I've heard of this type of music, and what I was shooting for, I feel that would have been inappropriate. The idea was to recreate the old spring reverb style, wall-of-sound thing that the 60's and early 70's had going', and you don't do that with pristine, digital quality. The sax is overblown, like you would hear in this style. As for the safety of the source material, and your overall take on the piece - like you say, to each their own. I knew this one would play to very mixed reviews, as it's very different, but that was certainly my intention. The distinct possibility exists that this just isn't a type of music some people will like, no matter what. Bus! is similar in some ways but very different in that the recording is straight - not trying to emulate older mastering or effects.

    As for the question about gear used:

    - Drums and organ were Yamaha Motif

    - Bass was from the Spectrasonics Trilogy VSTi

    - Guitars and sax were Gigastudio

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