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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. basic arrangement, but does the whole headbanger thing pretty well -djp


    this email has been a long time coming. I know there are hordes

    of megaman 2 remixes, but how many artists do you know that have

    an entire game soundtrack to show for it. Submitted for your

    approval is "flashmetal", a thrash, speed metal cover of the

    flashman theme. All drums are done (from scratch) in Fruityloops

    3 and all guitars are ibanez.


    there are a few remixes there, all samples from the album.

    flashman is all I'll submit for now though, as per your request.

    Hope to hear from you soon,

    -Ryan "misterpunch" Walker

  2. Not bad, and even some soloing towards the end. Gets progressively better. -djp

    Hey, djpretzel...

    Thanks for the great website. I had no clue other folks loved this

    odd music genre as much as me.

    Here's my first submission...

    Game : Moon Patrol

    Artist : (Me) SpookyBlue

    Website : www.spookyblue.com

    Song title : The Road To Tyco Station

    Location :


    Looking forward to any comments.


    (Bill Farnsley)

  3. Those are some LOUD strings. Watchout. -djp

    To whoever reads this:

    Another submission from D1&only Necas. "The Strings of Chaos," a

    classical style remix of the Chaos Temple Song from Final Fantasy. I used

    the main melody, but added an intro, an ending, and 3 sub/harmonic melodies.

    It can be found at:


    D1&only Necas,

    Ryan Necas

  4. This is a collab submission from me (Ghetto Lee Lewis) and Prophecy. I

    believe I introduced him from the last submission. I would appreciate it if

    you posted his solo remix before you posted this one. This is a remix of

    Ecco2 (for Sega Genesis) we both worked over the course of a couple days. I

    did most of the arrangement, while he mastered effects, did most of the

    drums, transitions, structure, etc. Overall, I think we both worked equally

    on the remix. Anyway, here is the link to download from. Enjoy!!


    The people I'm forwarding this submission letter to are Prophecy and myself.


    Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.


  5. hey DJP, this is mitch of Rosencrantz & guildensterN. ive got something of

    a submission for ya, but its a bit different than usual... usually i come

    bearing a submission of R & G, but this time, ive got something that i did

    on my own.. with a little bit of a story behind it.

    i was wanting to get into the iron mix contests, and i tried my luck at one

    called iron mix "popcorn", and they were remixing a phantasy star track

    "final dungeon"... but i accidentally started mixing "final battle", cause

    im a dufus... and by the time i figured out that i was remixing the wrong

    song, it was too late to rectify the situation...i figured that i could just

    submit the song as a regular submission... so thats what im doing... its a

    little short cause the limit on the comp was 2 min... but i still think its


    anyway heres the lowdown...

    artist: Lefty (you can link my profile to the profile of the same name on

    the message boards)

    Title: the battle of hair metal

    remix of: "final battle" (phantasy star 1)

    you can find it at the usual url

    scroll down, its toward the bottom...hope you enjoy...

    thats manly talk!


  6. DJP....(or judges) I wrote you a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago. I think its that time again. Here goes. This would be my first remix here on your site.

    Remixer name: Sound Junkie

    Remixer email:

    Remix name: Nintendo Forest Mix

    You can find it here:


    That's the URL of the SITE. The site does NOT allow direct linking. Its the ONLY song on there. Please DJP (or judges). Take the time to listen to this mix. I assure you you wont be dissapointed. Its actually been floating around the net for quite some time already. It'd be PEFECT on your site!!

    Ok...I'll write you again when another 5 months have passed.

    -Sound Junkie

  7. Some questionable bits, but gets more than a few things right as well - djp

    I have a Remix of "Flashbulb Funk" from Maniac Mansion at:

    Please consider this for inclusion in the site.

    The name of the file should be

    "Maniac_Mansion_Flashbulb_Junk_OC_Remix.mp3" but my school's server

    doesn't support long filenames. If you could please rename it as so

    (if put on the site), that'd be good. Thanks for listening.

    - Dan Studnicky

  8. Email sub, file attachment Super_Mario_RPG_Melting_Mallow_OC_Remix.mp3 - djp

    Sorry i couldn't give you a URL or somethin instead of attaching this remix, but i hope it won't be too much trouble. Anyway, i am a new remixer, as the subject indicates, and my nickname is "Jammin Salmon." My email address is (REMOVE BECAUSE WE ARE SPITEFUL JUDGES). That being said, my actual name is , but that won't be what i'm known as on the site.

    About the remix: it could be considered a bit long, but i thought that helped it out a bit. Now, you may be thinkin to yourself, why in tarnation is this thing called "Melting Mallow." The song is a remix of the Barrel Volcano song from Mario RPG, which is indeed a slightly overlooked game in the overclocked world, if i may say so. Anyway, Mallow's chemical properties, i presumed, would prevail in such disastrously hot temperatures, consequently melting him into some indefinable shape. (side note: (i don't know the depth of your knowledge on this game, so, to be safe....) Mallow is one of the main characters in the game, being marshmallowy like in appearance, hence the name. Of course, he's not exactly a marshmallow, but that's besides the point...)

    Volcanos are prone to eruption once every doesn't matter; so, i added a little, let us say "eruption" in the song... so you'll know when you get to it.

    So there it is, and that's a long enough email anyway.

    -Jammin Salmon

  9. hi djpretzel first of all i would like to say that your site is the best in the universe, i have like 5 burned CD's of rmeixes so far. secondly this is my first remix, and i tryed hard to make it a good one. It's a mix of the Moon Patrol arcade game music, i made it a hip hop mix. I hope you like it here's the URL:

    also you can get the tracke ri made this with as freeware, look in the comments part of the id3 tag cya!

    - Zack

  10. Game: Chrono Cross

    Original Track: "Star-Stealing Girl"

    Title: "First the Stars, Now the Beats"

    Remixer: Justin of the Jungle


    Stream in wma or asf:

    Hopefully, one of the mp3 links will work. If not, you can always stream the

    song. Unfortunately, it would be low(er) quality, which would definitely not

    help me out. I feel rather confident about this remix. I feel it's my best

    to date. Remixes get better and better at OCR, so I've been struggling to

    improve myself. Thanks for listening.

    Justin of the Jungle


    MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*


  11. It's been almost 2 weeks since I sent in my last submission, from Phantasy Star 2 'Dezoris Winter' based on the guidelines I'm ok with sending this in. This time it's Xenogears' 'The Lost City of Shevat' done in a new age/ethnic style. (More the former than the latter.) This is actually a considerable remake of an initial Shevat arrangement I did months ago, which sounded very much like my Schala Memories Lost in time, which is up OC.

    The ID tags are messed up again, as MP3.com changed them. Sorry about that.

    Title: The Lost City of Shevat

    File URL: (4 MB, 4:20, 128kbps)

    Game: Xenogears

    OC Handle: GrayLightning

    Email: thegraylightning@yahoo.com

    -- I sent this last note in my last two submissions, but in case you get to this first --

    URL: http://www.mp3.com/graylightning ( please add this url to my OC page, http://remix.overclocked.org/detailremixer.php?mixerid=292 )

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