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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. Happy! - djp

    Hey DJP,

    I have a mix I've done that I'd like to submit. It's called "The Twinkle Park Classic." It's a remix of the Twinkle Park theme from Sonic Adventure and Sonic's theme, "It Doesn't Matter," from the same game. It's available


    My mixer handle on OCR is DarkeSword, so you can credit it to that. Hope you enjoy the mix.


    Shariq Ansari, aka DarkeSword

  2. Hey, this is Main Finger, I notice you dont have too many megaman x

    remixes... well here's one I made a little while ago. It's the music that

    plays everytime you see an armor capsule:

    It's called Capsule Version 2 (it's version 2 because I made a remix of it a

    couple years ago that was not nearly as good). Well, I didn't set the IDE

    tag because then I'd have to re-upload it and I have a really bad connection

    right now. Anyway, in case you need the info again its:

    Song Name: Capsule Version 2 (or if you just wanna say capsule thats fine)

    Game: Mega Man X

    Remixer: Main Finger

    email: sakurabeta@hotmail.com

    -Jesse aka "Main Finger"

  3. Hello,

    I'm a new mixer. I'd like to go by Maestrodeclure. my email is maestrodeclure@aol.com. I have some samples of my original work at www.mp3.com/jamesgeorge.

    Anyway, mine is a remix of "forever rachel" from ff6 entitled "Rachel's Gift". Yeah I know you guys probably have ff6 remixes up to your ears, but no one has seemed to make a good remix of this theme, so I thought it was about time. I hope you guys will accept it. I managed to be original and creative with it, yet without disturbing it's delicate timbre at the same time. I think you'll like what I've done with it. If you guys post it, please credit both Nabuo Uematsu as the composer, however a credit is also required for Micheal Huang - he is the piano arranger off of which this remix was inspired. so, without further ado:

    there's a bunch of crap on the site for many purposes, but the link I left for you guys is clearly marked. Do you guys host the songs you use? Or do I need to leave that there. Thanks,


  4. nyello djp,

    Uhis is teknobunny offa tha forums. i'd like to submit this song here ... i was pretty much going for a narcissistic, prissy - maybe even girly - high pitched sound when i made this. hopefully, it comes across well and doesnt make youre ears bleed =-). the name i'd like it to be credited to is DJTeknoBunny.

    thanx for even listening


  5. Hello,

    I composed a remix for Overclocked, and I guess this is how you submit URLs, so...

    <----Right Click, Save As in order to work.

    It's a remix of the "Green Greens" level in Kirby's Dream Land for Game Boy, remixed in Jungle style.

    I would appreciate having my website listed as this:

    rather than the IUMA site this song is hosted on.

    Feel free to display my email if you accept this song. In case it's relevant, I'm registered under the name DJ_Ikronix on your forums.

    Wow. I'm usually more long-winded in emails. If any other information is required, let me know.

    Thanks in advance.

    DJ Ikronix


    The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*.

  6. Well, we've run into the "wrong notes" issue that Israfel described beautifully in a post, but in this case they do sound pretty off to me. Which is a shame because the sound quality's there, there's some definite arrangement going on, and lord knows I'm a sucker for PS2.

    I personally recommend resubmission, perhaps after consulting with mixers in or outside the judges panel to clear up any uncertainty about the specifics involved. Sorry for the delay on this one, as well.

  7. After reading the guidelines of a submission I am aware that my ID3v1 tag

    barely falls short of what you prefer in your tags.

    As I had never even heard of OverClocked.org when I began my music, I

    created my own ID3v1 tag format and have remained consistant with it in all

    my music (as you would expect from a professional in any field).

    If I could copy the file to another site and change the tag format there, I

    would, but I can’t. The fact is I don’t even have access to my own site as

    it is on a restricted server.

    My music has to be passed through the network administrator and sent through

    him for security reasons.

    That is the song (NO DUH!!) and the ID3v1 tag would need the following

    modifications to meet your criteria exactly: Title should be “Donkey Kong

    Country™ 2: Diddy’s Kong Quest, Mines, OC ReMix” and the year would be 2002.

    Also the link to your site, of course.

    I submit this to several places so it is not practical for me to change the

    information every time.

    The song is credited to me, L. Spiro.

    My website:

    My e-mail: yogurtemperor@hotmail.com

    What you can expect by listening to it: Ambient digitech, screaming guitars,

    a dance piano, and choir pads. It sets a soothing atmosphere with a heavy


    Sequenced and programmed entirely in Cakewalk. MIDI playback device:

    Yamaha® MOTIF 7.


    MSN 8 helps eliminate e-mail viruses. Get 2 months FREE*.


  8. I submitted this file 2 months ago,

    I was going to give up you guys, bug I figure it was Christmas and it makes sense how my submission would make sense.

    Anyways, this was posted in "works in progress" and I got some very good reviews. Some went along the lines 'drool....'.. 'kickass'.... and 'i almost crapped my pants'... anyways.. I'm touting my own horn by saying this, and I no longer care for mix mainly because I did this on my old sound blaster 16 with cheap wires and pops can be heard from time to time. But hey, I'm not rich and it's the best I can put out.

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