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Posts posted by djpretzel

  1. We've hit a bad patch lately. This kickstarter drama has drained us, tons of album releases have drained us... I feel like sometimes we bite off more than we can comfortably chew. So you're sort of "kicking us while we're down" with your observation... but you're also not wrong.

    How about, instead of observations, some recommendations? For a number of reasons including moderation for potential copyright infringement, I do feel like we need a manual review process, and I also feel like our official tagging & QC on file metadata has value, and both are things that carry with them a certain degree of overhead. Any ideas on streamlining, process improvement, etc. are appreciated, and we also appreciate your patience as we work to get past this current set of issues and return to more normal operations.

  2. The mix sounds flat to me, and the drums are, I'd venture, way too simple and dry for this genre. Personally, I'm a bit confused as to the panel's decision on this one. I'm sure I'm missing something, but what is it?

    If halc liked it then you MUST be wrong :-) If you check the decision thread you'll notice there were some reservations. No one was claiming this was the second coming or a landmark example of dubstep on OCR, just that it was a solid take on the source that was interpretive enough. I didn't find it bland or simple, but then again I'm an old man who's going to be wearing adult diapers soon (hyperbole), so perhaps my input threshold has less bandwidth to begin with. At any rate, I liked it, I'll listen to it again, and it makes me think of the very unique universe of No More Heroes, so there's three metrics right there that make me pretty comfortable with the panel's close call.

  3. Well, let's wait and see what happens. I'm sure there is more to the story then just the two sentences on the main page. I'm sure DJP will give us a more transparent explanation in this thread as to what exactly happened.

    I'll do everything I can; for now the situation remains uncertain and we really ask that folks not speculate based on past events. When we say "actively working with" we mean it, so the update should be taken at face value, and we appreciate your support as we all hope for the best!

  4. I think the thing that has me most on edge is the lack of response from those in charge. I mean, I don't expect to get to know EXACTLY what's going on, but it'd be nice to at least get an inkling of how serious it is. Is this a "Just sit tight, it'll all be fine" issue or a "Petition Square-Enix" issue? I was really pumped for this thing.

    I'm in charge.

    The answer is "we're looking into it" because we are indeed still looking into it; we ask for your patience & trust, and we're definitely going to be filling everyone in as soon as it makes sense to.

  5. I suppose a clever argument could be crafted around OCR's goals, but the primary nature of a vgm arrangement/remix isn't to educate, to criticize, to report, or to do any of the other things for which fair use was established.

    It isn't? Could have fooled me... I guess the key word is "primary," which complicates things, but I definitely think we try to do all those things, AND that we succeed.

  6. The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting a different result. I've been doing that, and I've definitely gone insane. So consider this my last post on the subject in these forums. Call me an asshole, a conspiracy theorist, pulling facts out of my ass, a hater, whatever. The facts are there. if you choose to pretend otherwise, thats your problem.

    I'm not sure about asshole or conspiracy theorist... with regard to what I'll label "anal fact-puller," you do indeed seem to be getting a lot of things wrong, or extrapolating them out of thin air i.e. your posterior. My positive interpretation of this is that I think it's more due to reading comprehension on your part, or lack thereof, as opposed to true fabrication. That's the glass-half-full version, at least.

    From your behavior here and elsewhere, I can certainly say that I don't trust you at all, and am personally glad you intend to cease responding.

    Now, I personally don't have an issue with what's going on with the OCR fund. I have faith in the ability of the staff to not start clamoring for every dime that they can hang on to with a death grip while purchasing a six inch-tall gold statue of the Nice Work Guy for every room in DJP's house. But at the same time, I can understand why some eyebrows got raised here when the numbers kept climbing. The ways the extra funds will be used here are far more in line with the fundraiser than what EC did, but that people raised their hands to ask a question (or ten) isn't outlandish in my book. The tone of the questions certainly wasn't always very friendly, but...

    Damn, now we have to cancel that statue just so we don't look bad ;) Even with an abundance of trust in OCR, this is new territory. I'm not sure if eyebrows should be raised, per se, but at the very least interests should be piqued, so questions are completely appropriate. However, for a lot of these points, it's ridiculously circular logic that seems more like venting, and I can absolutely guarantee that venting, ranting, & self-ascribed insanity are not only counterproductive to anyone's questions being answered, they are counterproductive to the kickstarter itself and to any future communication between ranter & rantee. Sometimes it's not the question itself, but how you ask it... but sometimes the question itself can be fundamentally flawed and/or antagonistic. At this point I think I'm really only referring to one person, who has apparently thrown in the towel, so if anyone wants to clearly reiterate any previous questions they felt were missed, that's fine by me.

  7. okay apologies in advance if this post is obsolete, unnecessary, whatever.

    Is it just me, or do a lot of the detractors for this project not realize that you don't actually have to pay any money to get the music?

    I mean, do people actually thing they're "buying" an album at $50? Somewhere along the line a whole lot of people misunderstood the point of kickstarter, the point of prizes, something, idunno. Sorry, it has just been a good while since i wanted to yell at a computer screen.

    And since when have cds become popular? I know i'm going to lose/misplace mine almost immediately. And before anyone says it, yeah. Collector's item. Got it.

    i kiss you

  8. But as I understood it- you used the link as an example of why you take issues with other albums. IE: heres what we do, so when others don't do this, it's an issue.

    Yes, that is a correct understanding. It's not a HUGE issue, it only explains why our advice may differ from what we ourselves do - such advice is made knowing that unless the album is official, nothing similar to our Submission Agreement has been signed. Theoretically, if whoever would have actually handled the $$$ for VV would have signed a similar agreement with all artists on the album, and made that agreement public & available, I guess THEN it might be more comparable, but there are a lot of logistics and "ifs" in that equation.

  9. Hmm, okay, I apologize for misunderstanding that.

    Now I'm a bit more confused though.. You brought it up to point out why VV (as an example) was a problem. And you said, you want others to follow these same rules. And that is why you want more official status albums (if I understand correctly)

    But, now you say those rules don't actually apply to specific OCR projects? Or.. OCR as an entity? And are just for the artists? If that were true, what bearing would it have on VV or other non OCR projects?

    Does OCR have a different set of guidelines for official projects?

    I think you're still not understanding me. We don't have any guidelines whatsoever for NON-official projects, so yes.

    I'm not talking about guidelines, I'm talking about the fact that every OFFICIAL album has to be submitted under the Submission Agreement of our content policy. That's what guarantees we cannot profit, among other things. My point has nothing to do with whether VV falls under these rules of not (it doesn't since it wasn't submitted), but everything to do with the fact that we HAVE a content policy in the first place. We KNOW that we're contractually prevented from profiting. Since we don't KNOW that about anyone else - because they have no such guarantee - our advice & level of trust should and does vary.

    The specific rule you quoted was NOT in the Submission Agreement - the part that would apply to album directors in terms of printing physicals - it was in the Terms of Use - the part that would apply to some dude who wanted to use an existing ReMix in his YouTube video.

    They are separate sections with different audiences.

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