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Everything posted by Doni

  1. well, I dunno. I have no idea what OCR is looking for. They are big on changing the melody whilst keeping it "sameish"... but many times the changes that people make sound forced. What I do is try to build little pieces of songs that weren't there but fit into the original theme and then try to awesomize the rest. Maybe I'll submit something if it gets a bit more attention. I just want people to enjoy my music, so I don't think being OCR sanctioned will change anything
  2. Glad you like it ExoByte.. yea the drop off was how I wanted it! A hard bridge going into electro territory Gario, perhaps the strings aren't to your liking, but it's not my goal to make them sound completely human. When I do a final master of the track, I'll probably cut the highs a bit. Actually, I'm thinking my hearing might be damaged because to me it doesn't hurt my ears at all!
  3. Yea, actually I liked the music in SMB as well. Not half as much as I liked getting baked and playing monkey fight, but anyways I think this could make good remix material, if you decide to go the extra mile. But good job on this nonetheless
  4. Thanks Mirby and Gario, The intro is a bit longish, but I've designed it to fit between something a bit more banging in a DJ set. A bit of a breather of sorts... Gario, what are you listening on? I respect your opinion... but I hardly think it's "very, very stale". At any rate, it sounds how I would like it, but I just never thought it would be labeled as stale. The track is meant for a flat eq, so depending on what you are listening on the highs might come through more sharply. I listened on a pair of rather "tinny" (super high frequency) headphones and it didn't sound that bad. But I think I could take down the high end pretty safely on that lead because it's centered around more of a high-mid range frequency
  5. Hey all, Cooked up something you may like. It's a remix of one of my favorite tracks ever. It comes from StarTropics on the NES. I did a symphonic intro and melted that into something a bit more bumpin'. Have a listen and tell me what you think! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-tpozUpzcs If needed, here is the source:
  6. nice.. haha I'm playing adventure island recently too Ilike the little game music sample u tossed in there... This sounds like vocals could fit in quite well! What do you think?
  7. I uploaded the track for download as well here: http://www.donimusic.com/soundfiles/Earthbound_-_Lost-Underworld_-_Doni-Electr-oh-remix.mp3
  8. Glad you like it Thanks for listening
  9. Hey all, I've cooked up a little remix that I believe fans of Earthbound and fans of music will like. The source track is "Lost Underworld" from the aforementioned Earthbound (as known in America) or Mother 2 (as known in Japan). The game itself was essential for me this was one of my favorite tracks. Perhaps hard-core's will find this to be an odd choice considering the amount of great material from Earthbound, but somehow this one just worked out well with my style. The source is based on organic instrumentation and arrangement, while the remix coats everything in a thick layer of acid (the illegal to distribute and ingest kind). Anyways, just have a listen, and please give me your feedback. This version is about 99% complete, but if somebody has something to add that I feel is worth addressing, I will consider that. Thanks all! The Remix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Vb385OSemY The Source:
  10. You truly are a gentleman and a scholar! Profound thanks. I'm all about saving time, because I have very little of it. Thanks again
  11. Interesting... But that would be much more difficult than tabbing out the song!
  12. There's a concept called tone, I didn't like how it was used against me, so I called him out. As for your music creation process, it's yours. I have my own way, and others have their way. Which one is right? The only thing I asked for was if anybody had a link to a midi file... I wasn't really into a getting into a big debate about "how remixes should be done". I've said it before, I'll say it again: I can sound out the notes, it's not that hard if you've been playing music since you were 10. I work about 60 hours per week and I just wanted to save myself some time. I see no correlation between the creative process and sounding out the notes to a song.
  13. Most excellent! I'll give this a try. Many thanks!
  14. I can definitely do it, if I had the midi it would just save me a bit of time because I've got a good idea of where I want to go creatively with it. I'll post it up in the WIP section when I'm done, probably within a month (it won't take that long, but I'm in the middle of 2 tracks I want to finish first) I had never heard about this game, but reflecting back to my nintendo power days, I think I can remember it. It has a couple of choice tunes, a sad waste for an unreleased game.
  15. sorry who the *&$% are you?
  16. The judges panel just told me that my track oversampled from the original source True, I did sample part of the melody, but oversample? I disagree. I sampled the bells for effect. I believe it should be obvious by listening to the track that I 'could have' recreated that particular sound if I wanted to... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43OuDNrZWEc Have a listen and let me know what you think...
  17. I can do that... but... the lazyness factor...
  18. Indeed, it is there... which is strange because I know that webpage well and it wasn't there when I checked earlier. ALAS they do not have the track I require
  19. Thanks Coop, I'm already onboard with chipamp.... actually I'm wanting to remix that puppy.. unlesss I'm a total noob, I don't think I can get the midi from those kind of files?
  20. Hey y'all, So there was this unreleased game called Star Fox 2 that has some pretty sexcellent music, but I can't find the midi's anywhere I suppose I could tab out the song myself, but I'm a bit too lazy for that! The track I'm looking for is Eladard, here it is in Youtube form: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIExQbFoc8g Anyways if anyone has this, please let me know... Google has not helped me on this one
  21. The Mario brothers movie could be summed up as "the biggest disappointment of my childhood"
  22. How bout those DDR kids holy shit
  23. I like this. A slice of realness that will never get accepted but should. The unfortunate thing about OCR is they have a strong bias for what they like, or so it seems. Anything "weird" or intentionally detuned I find flies right over their heads. I like the crackles, but I'd find some way to keep them in the intro but kill them after. I'd like something like a filtered intro that runs for 8 counts, maybe 16, that has the crackle and then breaks it down into that sound that you've got here
  24. your track is sexyness though blind.. I'm TRAPPED IN THE MACHINEEZZ
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