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Everything posted by Doni

  1. I like it alot, I have to run to work now but lets chat later
  2. There is no "first" electro house song. There are several songs that have electro elements that became more and more popular as years passed by. As Blind said, Electro is broadly defined, and it's hard to judge based on what other people say about songs, especially popular songs. Electro does have at least 2 umbrella sub genres: (north) American Electro [something like blind does] and European Electro [something a little more like what I make, at least when it comes to video game remixes] One thing you will come to appreciate about Electro is that benny benassi is sooooo no Electro hahah
  3. I agree, generalizing is in general not very useful... however, when you are a DJ and you need to make somewhat cohesive mixes, it means alot more
  4. Just because a song achieved mainstream success doesn't mean that it was the originator of a genre. That's like saying the Beetles invented rock music in a way...
  5. P SEXY plz do let me know when the final version is complete!
  6. If u knew much about the genre you wouldn't make such an over generalized assumption... Benny Benassi is the imitator, and besides, that's not even electro-house... Here's an *incomplete* remix (by incomplete, I mean I haven't even posted it to the work in progress section) remix of the over-remixed "Vampire Killer" from Castlevania 1... Doni - omg Robot Vampires!
  7. Ahhhhh actually this is more like hard house or trance. Electro is a little bit more tongue in cheek than this... it's kind of hard to describe
  8. sorry for bumpin... anyone else got a link to something electro house styled? If not we can put this post to bed
  9. Hey yo Sorry for the late reply. I've got a few more ideas on your mix: 1. I'd like the street sounds to kind of incorporate into the backspin scratch... it might sound a bit more natural 2. the piano sounds nice, but it sounds way more pronounced and "above" the mix than all your other lead sounds. For me it still doesn't sit inside your mix as well as it could 3. The snare that you bring in jsut after the piano comes in makes me feel strange. It's too powerful and for me its not a good match for the groves of the song 4. I really like the guitar, but it comes about a bit too abruptly. I'm not sure how I would bring this in differently, but it warrants a bit of experimentation 5. I like the ending, maybe I'm being picky, but I think if you dragged out a more full sound instead of just the one synth note it would sound better. Also I would drag it out for longer, at least twice as long. Hope that makes sense. You're close, and overall I really like it. And to be honest I don't like much of anything I hear, not just on this forum, but in the world of music in general
  10. Hey all I made such a tiny update to the EQ of this track that it's probably not even worth mentioning... but in this way I can give my post a shameless bump I'd love some more feedback on this one. Any takers?
  11. Well, what's a proper setup? I always want my tracks to come through nice on a flat EQ. Testing out tracks on a juiced setup isn't really the best idea. Actually a juiced setup with extra EQ's is really only for listening to old music I'd say. All I did to your track was run the mix through a mastering tool called Ozone Izotope 3. This tool is magic once you learn how to use it
  12. Hey man, I hope you don't mind, but I did a quick master on your track. This is kind of what a sort of hip hopish chillout track should sound like... all the sounds are distinguishable, but at the same time they are melting together as one. Have a listen and let me know what you think! http://www.donimusic.com/projects/doni-master.mp3
  13. the golbez mix is a littel trancey, but still bumpalicious! Do you mind if I play it in my sets?
  14. hehehe not really electro house.. but thanks for trying my friend!
  15. Not bad work here. The glock kind of pervaded the mix for too long I think. Ultimately it goes on for a bit too long. I think the mix could have had some subtle percussion and there were some sounds that felt like they were sitting a bit too high on the mix. Overall if we could de-harshify that glock (it sounded digitally altered, which was odd compared to the lush sounding strings, etc.) then I think the mix would sound alot better.
  16. I'm not sure how I feel about the bass when it comes in. I'd rather the drums come in clean and for you to add the drums in later. drums more punchy, check. I'd love the bassdrum to cut through the mix a bit more. You might try layering another kick underneath. The transition: try putting a bit of reverb and delay on that build sound and carry it over to the next section a bit more. Might sound a bit cleaner but it doesn't sound bad. At around 3:54 there is a drum hit that doesn't sync quite right. It's out by a millisec or two hahah  Edited the last part out, ok, but now the song just kind of ends... semi-abruptly. I think this one is good though. It is kind of varied though. Less songlike and more like mood music... but that's the plague of the source a bit isn't it? the music in metroid is mostly background-esque kind of stuff, so it's hard to work into a "song type" remix. This isn't a problem unless you want to submit this one though, I think
  17. Indeed I shall!
  18. Oh noez weather sounds intro Overall quite nice. The key change came as a surprise to my ears. Oh no more weather soundz... it's very nice but the source is a little too far away for my liking. Also mia is a kick drum, or its being overtaken by the bass too much. At around 4 minutes there are some odd note changes on the synth. Kind of goes on foreverish and then it ends with more weather soundz... Again, it sounds nice. I just wish it had a kick drum (even a softish one) , was a bit shorter, and worked on that key change transition a bit.
  19. Good arrangement and all, but is it just me or are the fruity loops programmed metal drum patterns just getting boring? I felt the drums sounded like little bursts of air being blown from a straw really close to your ear. If they were crunchier and less overkilled in terms of arrangement I think this mix would be much more of a winner. Yea this game did have some rocking tunes didn't it?
  20. I like this one. I just wish the bass wasn't so much of a funk slap. This one could have rocked a lot harder for me if the bass wasn't so slapped out. Oh the temptations of a good slap synth. I have almost succumb to these myself. The solo was well executed but I feel all the solo'ing is just unwarranted. But I do like it, even despite the bass synth wanking and that keyboard wank in the middle there somewhere. I'd like to remix the remix hahaha.
  21. Not bad, but I get the feeling this might have been rushed a bit. There are little weird sound artifacts throughout, the intro bells are overly verbed and echo'd and kind of shrilly, and it feels like some of the rythms are a bit sparse; is the case of the latter, almost as if using a different sample was favored over "awesomeness". Also it seems like the bass is changing volume throughout. Was that a backspin around 3:00? The arrangement is a winner, thats for sure. Just something to be desired in the execution in places. Also, fade out... I dunno...
  22. I'm more of an electronica producer but here's my 2 cents nonetheless: Not bad. I like the lone ranger, dustball in the wind vibe here. That said, I just feel like it could have been taken up a notch tempo-wise and perhaps gone a bit more country western; like John Wayne era. (not country music, I mean like the music in classic western films) But, you did think to take it this direction. SO cowboy hats off for that.
  23. One more quick note: Pretty good for somebody from Coquitlam hahaha. I'm in Van btw
  24. Overall I like how this one sounds. The sounds all really work well together and the production is really quite good. Here are some things I noticed though: agreed on the water sound, actually it doesn't sound as fake as much as it sounds like it should be in a yoga relaxation soundtrack When the drums come in I wish the snare would be a bit more snappy. Overall the drums in this section don't match the quality of the rest of the instruments for me. I think you want the drums to sit a little more quietly in this section though, so the adjustment would be slight methinks. Actually overall the snare just doesn't punch well enough for me. There are places where the hihats cut through the mix more than the snare. The reverb on the drums sounds a bit cheap as well. They sound more "fill with air" rather than "filled with epicness". Try to put a tiny bit of chorus on them, or whatever you need to dirty them up just enough to sound a little nicer. Also, at around 4:40 I think one of your notes lags a bit. It sounds out of place and I don't believe this was intentional. The mix kind of peters out for me too. It's 5 minutes, so that's a good length. I guess I just had hoped the song would go to another place. THAT SAID, I think that alot of the sounds are great. I think your production is good enough that the advice I'm giving you will be taken to heart. Hopefully it's helpful!
  25. Oh yea? Actually I only remember playing the SOR series at a buddies house when I was youngin... It wasn't a staple of my youth. But I heard this track being played on www.kohina.com and I thought I could turn it into some dirty filthy piece of grandeur... anyways, glad you liked it!
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