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Status Updates posted by SuperiorX

  1. Sure, no problem Bee Strader! I'm not worried about ya :-) I hope those source suggestions I gave you help, whenever you get around to starting the mix. Let me know if you need anything!

  2. Oh cool! I'll check out your wip when I get back on my pc! As for the OC Assembled song, it'll be on the upcoming APEX 2014 album, which will be out later this month on OCR! So you won't have to wait long!

  3. Nah voting is too close to call right now. It'd could go either way! And no way, I thought that was a guitar in your track! Lol

  4. Hey Argle, might you be interested in joining this Sonic compo I'm hosting? http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=952375

  5. Hey Rashad, I'm hosting another Sonic compo starting this month! Might you be interested in joining since you missed out on the last one? http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=952375

  6. did you re-send your Maverick song to DS? It would suck if it doesn't get included :cry:

  7. Hey Corey, just wanted to give you props for your work on Main Finger's Sonic CD mix! I think that is your best vocal work to-date (that I've heard at least). I'm seriously loving it. Great job to you and wildfire! :-)

  8. Awesome! Yeah ask away! The sign up period is going to start this weekend (Friday night probably) and last for two weeks. Mixing should start on Jan 26 for the first bracket!

  9. I hope so! It would be kinda silly to not have your matchup when you finished in time. He hasn't posted anything in the thread yet, so hopefully he'll fix it whenever he comes back on :-D

  10. lmao that is the best sig ever. Less BS - More BS!

  11. Ah, no problem. They are a week yes. I've just been going around to some of the people I've seen participate in other compos to generate interest.

  12. hey sir you only voted on one match-up for Round 3... you've got a few minutes to vote on the 2nd one if you can!

  13. Thanks! Yeah I'm actually a little surprised there aren't more on the panel, but they might just be backed up in the judging queue. I was really excited when mine passed though, it'll be my first mixpost!

  14. They didn't submit remixes those rounds, which is why there are missing, because they never existed.

  15. That's fine. The date is going to end up getting pushed out a little bit anyway because there are some others that will be late as well. I'm probably going to be aiming for mid-late August now.

  16. Sure, no problem! Thanks regardless!

  17. No problem about the sigs, I enjoyed making them! And hey, in case I don't get to post reviews, I really enjoyed your WCRG mix this week, you did a great job blending the themes! I wish we could've vote for more than 3, cause yours was like right there in the Top 5 I liked the most :(

  18. Glad you liked my WCRG track! I'm planning on cleaning it up a bit and fixing some EQ/mastering issues. I'll post it up sometime after the compo!

  19. Random question: do you prefer to use the TheGuitahHeroe moniker for OCR stuff still, or do you want to be credited as Jamison Randall for the SZRC stuff? Looking forward to seeing what you come up with, thanks for joining! :)

  20. SZRC 2014 sign-up is OPEN! get on it! I got your spot held!

  21. SZRC 2014 sign-up is OPEN! get on it! I got your spot held!

  22. SZRC 2014 sign-up is OPEN! Had you wanted to join? I got your spot held for now, just let me know!

  23. SZRC 2014 sign-up is OPEN! get on it! I got your spot held!

  24. SZRC 2014 sign-up is OPEN! get on it! I got your spot held!

  25. WCRG voting ended yesterday apparently :( I guess in Darke's compos the voting ends the day before the mixes are due now.

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