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Status Updates posted by SuperiorX

  1. Yeah no problem! :)

  2. Yeah I've had gmail forever as well. I have one for more work/professional stuff which I don't really give out, but my other one which I'm on all the time is (surprise, surprise) superiorx@gmail.com. Yours is bev.wooff@gmail.com right? I think I added you to my chat window but I don't see you on. And your PM box is full so I had to post this here...

  3. hahah yeah we were chatting about it a few weeks ago. I imagine Darke will go for 32 mixers, there should be enough demand. He's already gotten 16 since it opened up yesterday. I don't know how 24 would work unless you had uneven brackets or something.

  4. Ah ok that makes sense. No problem. Maybe I'll need to check that OCR IRC channel out too sometime. I've never used an irc before, it is just like a chat room or something?

  5. Yeah sure I'll take a listen here in a bit. In the meantime you should getting started on your track for this round! :) Taking a week off working on that other track will help it too... you're probably at the point now where you've heard it so many times that your judgement starts to get impaired. Letting it sit for a week or so will make it sound 'fresh' again when you go back to it!

  6. I don't mean to be stalking wall posts, but NI Massive is very versatile. I used it for a large amount of my instruments in my Palmtree Panic mix. Once I got the hang of what I was doing with it I realized there was a ton of stuff I could do with sound design, automation and whatnot. I'd highly recommend it!

  7. OK, I'll play along...


  8. So I just glanced over at your Artist Settings and under Instrumental & Vocal Skills it says "Marching Drums", but when I first saw it I thought it said "Magical Drums" hahahaha. PETE PLAYS MAGICAL DRUMS!!!!!!!!!!!! :lmassoff:

  9. Thanks Corey! I was so excited and humbled to have gotten first place! I can't lie, it definitely made me feel good that everyone liked my track so much :)

  10. hah no worries! I did see it, I just forgot to respond. No problem! Glad to have been of help!

  11. - TO BE POSTED

    (2011/11/25) Mega Man 6 & 9 'Liquid Metal'

    (2011/12/14) Mega Man 9 & 10 'She's a Squirter!'

    Victory is yours!! PS - Liquid Metal is the greatest thing ever made in the history of the world.

  12. just gonna leave this here:


  13. Good luck gathering interest!! I may be interested depending on when it would actually start.

  14. Tried to respond to your PM but for some reason I keep getting an error :P I haven't heard anything about the track since TD released. I think you should be good tho :)

  15. Glad you got your lappy back! It looks like you just might get your Rexy vs. RexAsaurous matchup after all!

  16. JUGNLE JORYIDE is a new Sonic zone Mirby. duh.

  17. Yeah what I was trying to say in my PM was that during the album review, that revised edit Jordan whipped up had no complaints, so I can't imagine it having an issue with the panel when it gets there. I think the queue might just be a bit backed up for now.

  18. What's that smell? Smells like trash! I've had that phrase stuck in my head all week thank you very much. For some reason I just find it the damn funniest thing ever.

  19. I was figuring I'd do Sonic again this winter, after I have everything wrapped up with Temporal Duality, because I don't want to be hosting a compo at the same time. I'm pretty flexible though, so yeah feel free to host FF in October when WCRG is over! I don't know if I'll participate though, a lot depends on what I have going on at the time.

  20. I had to go to the dentist today for a filling (it was my first cavity ever) and I thought of you. Do dentists enjoy inflicting pain? :smile:

  21. I'm thinking I'll do it this winter sometime now. I don't want to be hosting a compo while Temporal Duality is wrapping up, so I'd rather wait till that is completely done. Plus I don't want to conflict with the new WCRG or that FF compo Brandon is thinking about hosting. All and all, this winter will probably work best I think. I'm definitely going to do it again though, so no worries there!

  22. Oh yeah man, I just saw you got a "Temporal Duality Assistant Director" badge. Lookin' sexy ;)

  23. Actually no, it was the top right, first and third molars on the biting surface. So I had two cavities, I lied. One was really small though. And these were my first ever. I meticulously brush and floss my teeth so I honestly don't know how I got these.


  25. What did you have in mind? Did you want to mix another Sonic CD source with your source? Or another random source altogether? If it's another Sonic CD source (or really any Sonic source), then yeah that shouldn't be a problem, as long as your mix still has a healthy dose of the Final Boss music. If it is some random non-Sonic source, then I'll probably want to hear more of what you have in mind and how you plan to use it.

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