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Posts posted by GSO

  1. when writing orchestrally(that's a Word? lol)I'm not that great at doing transitions between melodic ideas. and I'm having trouble making songs fit together for this grand epic, I need some help(some one who can think on a grand orchestral level: @BenEmberley , @Chad Seiter @Archangel & @Garpocalypse

    track list and order 

    1. somnus ff15
    2. edgar and sabin ff6
    3. in the light of the crystal ff15
    4. kefka's tower ff6
    5. dancing mad(tier 1, 3 & end of kefka battle) ff6
    6. magna insomnia(phase 1 & 3) ff15
    7. coin song ff6

    Midi folder: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-i6ZfROFDw0L2JSTsX_RODjJzSNiBR1d

  2. (while I put my xenogears remix on the back burner for now)is there any way I could make these fit together as a mournful orchestral Ballad(4/4 or 6/8, 60-88 BPM) I need a collaborator that would be willing to pass Midi back and forth

    source 1 & 2:


    Sources 3 & 4:

    Figaro Castle: 

    Coin of fate:

    the plan for the ending section:




    Anybody interested?

  3. Hey Guys/gals: how many people here have played xenogears? I need some in game text that would work well to translate into classical Latin lyrics(and that fit the song) for the song Small two of pieces I don't want to use the English lyrics if I don't have to. put your text ideas here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bcWrFKQFHNF0PozLVWBJRlsOpvCm_gs0

    the demo: https://soundcloud.com/caitrin7/small-two-of-pieces-for-baroque-contralto-demo-v3


  4. Vol 1 recruiting(unpaid as of right now)

    FINAL FANTASY 15 Shattered Dreams Audiobook Vol. 1: Fractured(I need understudy people as well as main actors)

    A Fan Fiction for Final Fantasy 15. Written by Quantum Leek(Fanfiction.net; AO3).

    This is the story of a family torn asunder by the death of a father, and everything that came before. Featuring dad!Regis and a twin sister for Noctis.

    This fic is two stories twisted together: one follows the game's timeline and tells the story of a prince and princess coming to terms with death and destiny, while the other is the story of their lives before and everything that leads up to the beginning of the game. 

    if you get ANY Role I'll PM you My discord server


    For VAs

    if you get a role be serious about it don't give me excuses like "I was too tired" if you don't want to do it don't audition. I will have understudy people for real emergencies though.

    Put your heart into it. I don't care if you ham it up. just act/emote.

    have at least a halfway decent recording set up; I don't want the background noise of crying babies, airplanes, cars etc. in your recording 

    for all:

    have fun

    Audition info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_HG1JFTt1gtkt01YymvTxcWSA9H72HFVSwBAEqiJREg/edit?usp=sharing

    I need at least 2 more female & 5 male voices: Camelia Claustra
    5-10 people to be extras for certain situations(Regis' Council, angry mob etc.) I would also like these: ignis' uncle, clarus amicitia (another)Gladio Prompto regis emperor aldercapt ignis drautos Cor weskham Iris

  5. would a kickstarter get me in trouble for An ff15 audio Drama? if I state it something like this: this kickstarter is for a Fan Fiction(underline fanfiction) of final fantasy 15. and all of the money would go for these three to four things: 1. paying VAs, script writers, audio people singers visual artists etc./licensing fees so we can make Free Physical copies of the audio drama(to have people give out at conventions like magfest Pax east etc.) 2. paying for printing costs of said Physical copies. 3. shipping! what do you guys think?(I'm for now just kind of worried about using ff15 properties. I talked to the fan fic author and she Loves this idea of an audio drama: https://archiveofourown.org/users/quantum_leek I'll make sure to run the kickstarter Idea by her though.) 

  6. What would you people suggest?:

    Laptop 1: Gaming (everything from D&D stuff like dice rollers to FF XV level graphics and gameplay)

    Laptop 2: break time laptop(facebook email OCR etc.)

    Laptop 3: on-the-go(able to handle things like Protools & Stuff; for when and if I need to score films and record Voice over while I'm on a cross country tour either with my violin or going to conventions as a VA(and fan-girl)or going to film Premieres as a composer.

    bold = will probably have to be custom specs.

  7. what effects(comp, eq, limit) would be used in a pro voice over demo? I have all of the equipment and I know how to use it for music stuff. I'm just trying to figure out the making of a pro VA demo that I can send to these companies(I want to be geared toward Video games/anime(animation)/ documentaries): http://www.atlastalent.com/
    http://www.sbvtalent.com/ Here is where I'll build my profile:
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