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Everything posted by Jhawk

  1. FuCk Yes thats all i need to say Sonic Adventure Crazy Taxi SONIC SHUFFLE JET SET RADIO POWER STONE 8O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O8O
  2. its out in japan, not outside of the Japanese boundary. Its not on you tube so dont try and look for it.
  3. O Hell yes good stuff Mega Ran. This is a good ass year for albums. I gotta buy it
  4. take care of that stupid thing cuz mine kept breaking
  5. damn you. you beat me to it
  6. Capcom unity is that better?
  7. Seth Killian answer some questions on MvC3 on the Capcom Unity Broads Will Marvel vs. Capcom 3 be playable at this year's E3? Seth: I'm pushing very hard to make sure people get a chance to play MvC3, whether that be at E3 or otherwise. Part of the issue is that (as has been repeatedly mentioned), there are many non-final aspects about the game. This should be obvious given where it is in the development cycle, but the concern is that if we show something that isn't 100% done, everyone will still treat it like this was the final product rather than a game that's not coming out until 2011. At any rate, trying to get MvC3 into your hands soon, and as usual, regardless of MvC3, we WILL be getting a bunch of Unity members into the show What's the top priority for MvC3 character selection? Is it popularity or how well the characters will fit into a fighting game? Sven: It's a combination of those things. Sure we have to have some of the fan favorites (e.g. popular characters). Then there are some characters that were selected just because they would have cool abilities that fit the gameplay well (which are often a bit more obscure or at least lesser known). With as many popular characters as both companies have, inevitably, some people will be disappointed that character X, Y or Z isn't in it, but as Niitsuma-san has said, we're trying to get as many in as we can in the development time we've had. Will MvC3 use GGPO for its online play? Seth: Nothing has been decided yet regarding MVC3 online. ♥ GGPO. How come we haven't heard about more new characters for MvC3 yet? You guys need to hurry up and put out more information, I need to know! Sven: There's a set schedule for which we'll be showing/announcing new characters that leads all the way up to launch. Totally appreciate the passion though. What are some of the details concerning your agreement with Marvel? Also, since you guys are working on MvC3, can you release your older Marvel titles too and create more games based on that franchise? Sven: I negotiated both the MvC3 and MvC2 contracts and I'm really not at liberty to share details of significance in those agreements. But in the name of setting your expectations I will say, both are separate agreements that were negotiated at different times. In the MvC3 contract's case, it only grants us the rights to create MvC3. It does not grant any rights to release older titles from past agreements.
  8. AND you should do the half of the trails of your main character if you choose one. i suggest to go on training mode (put the computer on hard) to test your reaction skills
  9. dude are you F***ing jokeing cody is one of the easy character to use this video is all you need
  10. PriZm if you only had Xbox i could help you cuz i played Soul Caliber 3 & 4 a shit load and i know how it feels.
  11. suck balls?
  12. you better i though you quit SSF4 any body wanna see Daigo get his ass beat (kinda of)
  13. lol watch it Geeky Stoner found this
  14. most of us have 360's son
  15. http://movies.ign.com/dor/objects/74154/street-fighter-legacy/videos/SFL.html the guys are getting interviewed. im not going to watch this bull S*** untill i see a charge character and balrog
  16. im going to online most of the day tomorrow. hit me up
  17. no i just play my cards right. sorry about the perfect
  18. You guys need watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr_b9Z-B8Yk&feature=player_embedded
  19. your cammy is still a bitch:banghead: in a good way
  20. My name is Jhawk and i will be posting ALL of the news for MvC3 In the latest Game Informer magazine, Dante (Devil May Cry), Felicia (Darkstalkers), Deadpool and Captain America were listed as confirmed characters for Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Here's a list of details • MvC3 is using the Tatsunoko vs. Capcom scheme to be more accessible, but will retain stuff like Hyper Combo cancels, Snapbacks and assists. • The game will have the alpha, beta and gamma assist types, just like in Marvel vs. Capcom 2. • MvC3 aims to knock down the wall of complicated controls and open up the field of strategic fighting to all comers. This means fusing the accessible controls of TvC with tried and true MVC2 gameplay. • The game has simplified launch attacks which are universally performed with one button, the Exchange button. This can also be pressed along with certain directions to slam opponents into the ground, leaving them susceptible to combos. Players can also hit the Exchange button in midair to tag in other team members on the fly. You can also counter exchange moves by guessing the correct exchange move to input at the same time as your opponent. • Deadpool's teleportation device will comically malfunction if you spam his teleport move. Also, he breaks the fourth wall by beating his opponents with his health bar. • Chris Redfield uses his weapons from Resident Evil 5, his shotgun and the "shock stick." • Moves from the previous games seemed to have been retained. Wolverine and Hulks' Supers are shown.
  21. a on the SSF4 forum you guys are using the word spam alot what dose that mean?

  22. The Raging Demon grabs nothing if it's not set up right
  23. im playing nebilx and i have no idea what your talking about doing Juri Shikusen (EX her driven kick) into her Ultra 2 it's so easy its not fun to playing with her.
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