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Everything posted by Unununium

  1. Is that Space Junk Road I hear?
  2. It's interesting listening to the evolution of some of the tracks, for example Johnny's Got The Funk.
  3. http://shells.openverse.com/~andy/music/ocremix/
  4. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7854864/Xenotones-DragonSong.mp3 Everyone must give this version a listen. times a bajillion and one!
  5. I think I signed the underside of the battery cover
  6. I have one slot for tonight only. See my status post earlier in the thread.
  7. Install GroupMe, then ask in this thread to be added.
  8. Beatdrop: hooray! GroupMe: thanks Aaron
  9. I just bought an Android phone so I could do this at MAGFest. How do I get started? I've installed and logged in to GroupMe, but now it insists I create a group. How do I join an existing OCR group?
  10. But if he's alone in the room, he might want to cancel or transfer the reservation and join up with someone else.
  11. I have room some nights (status here), plus someone just posted on Facebook that she has available floor space.
  12. I've got some room. Here is the current status. Let me know if this works for you.
  13. There's been some upheaval with my room, had somebody drop. So now there's at least one open slot most nights. The current status is here, and I will endeavor to keep that post up-to-date. The per-night cost will be in the low $30s, as low as $28, depending on how many additional people sign up. If anyone needs a place to crash, please let me know. If you're thinking you'd like to stay for several nights but can't because my room will be full on just one of those nights, contact me anyway, and I might bend the six-person limit for just one day. That certainly beats forcing people to stay in different rooms different nights. Also, if anyone (other than Bahamut) has booked a room for anything other than $171.60 a night, let me know. I may have made a mistake when calculating the taxes and fees since they're not clearly spelled out.
  14. Sample MAGFest photo taken by theshaggyfreak: That's me, by the way.
  15. Dulles can be pretty rough too. Dulles International Airport. When traveling to the land of vampires, why not depart from Hell on Earth? Actually one time I got stuck at Dulles overnight. It was a terrible thing, and I wound up being forced to buy new tickets just to get home. Interesting part was that Dulles wasn't even on my original itinerary! I was supposed to go to Dallas, but that flight got canceled "due to wx" (actually due to equipment failure, but with weather they don't have to reimburse), and a two-faced bitch working for United shoved me and my coworker onto a flight to Dulles, promising us hotel and a flight in the morning. No boarding pass, no record of us flying at all, we were essentially stowaways, and when we landed, we got nothing. Night manager asked us how we even got there. We didn't let him go home to his family until he gave us hotel vouchers. And as I already said, we had to buy new tickets to get home. Protip: don't fly United
  16. I can't tell just by looking, so I'm going to have to kiss all of them. When I get home, of course. This box of joy arrived just as I was about to leave for an out-of-state business trip that will last for at least a week. I postponed my departure to photograph the box and post it here and on Facebook, since I felt it was very important to taunt everyone^H^H^H^H^H share this with you. Actually, I'm very thankful to have the bumper stickers, since I needed a new one. I had one on my truck that djpretzel gave me at SGC2009, but someone smashed into me on TX 360, wrecking the sticker! And the bumper and the tailgate and part of the bed and the side of the truck... It's all fixed now, and with the application of a new sticker, my truck will once again be whole!
  17. IT ARRIVED. Facebook post
  18. Here's the space available in my room at the Gaylord in the OC ReMix block: 1 Wednesday: 2 open, 4 occupied 2 Thursday_: 1 open, 5 occupied 3 Friday___: 0 open, 6 occupied 4 Saturday_: 0 open, 6 occupied 5 Sunday___: 2 open, 4 occupied The soft limit is six people per night. Everybody in the room on a given night has to agree to add more people before I will allow it. One of the two queen beds is claimed for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday by a couple that will need to get good sleep. Please be respectful. In the same vein, alcohol consumption in the room is very strongly discouraged, as it will interfere with the ability of others to sleep. On second thought, I've decided to forbid it outright. Go enjoy yourself in the other OCR rooms if you need to drink, but don't bring that stuff in the room. If you have an issue with this, contact me privately. If you cannot follow this rule, you will have to leave. The total cost for the room is $171.60 per night * 5 nights = $858. Divide that by 25 slots occupied to get $34.32, which I'm calling $34 per person per night. If any more slots get filled between now and MAGFest, that cost will drop for everyone. Please invite your friends! If you're feeling generous, I'd appreciate it if you tossed in an extra dollar to overcome the $8 deficit I'd otherwise have to eat. The first names of the people who are staying are: Andy, Joe, Amanda, Cody, Mike, Cheryl, Rondell, Jesse, Tina, Anthony, Jon If you don't see your name on this list but thought you were staying with me, I apologize, and let me know soonest that I forgot you! UPDATE 9 Dec 2013: Added Tina UPDATE 15 Dec 2013: Added Anthony UPDATE 15 Dec 2013: Removed Matt, tentatively replaced with more Anthony UPDATE 15 Dec 2013: Slightly less Anthony UPDATE 17 Dec 2013: Removed Madeline UPDATE 17 Dec 2013: Added Yulia UPDATE 17 Dec 2013: Added Jon UPDATE 29 Dec 2013: Removed Yulia UPDATE 30 Dec 2013: Added Bobby, strengthened alcohol rule UPDATE 30 Dec 2013: Added Adrienne UPDATE 31 Dec 2013: Removed Bobby and Adrienne
  19. You can stay with me. I already sent you the nightly rate in a private message.
  20. And they have a playplace?
  21. Yes, I will be in the OCR block. I asked, and if they say it's cool, I'll let you know who else is there.
  22. If you don't mind sharing a room with five others, I have space those days. Everyone else has already indicated they're cool so long as they have a spot to sleep, and most have said they don't require a bed. (There will be two beds in my room.) Let me know if you're still interested, then I'll ask the rest if they're alright with having one more. If you were to join us, the nightly headcounts would be: Wed, 1 Jan: 3 people Thu, 2 Jan: 6 people Fri, 3 Jan: 5 people Sat, 4 Jan: 6 people Sun, 5 Jan: 5 people Anyone need space on the first? Also, the cost will be $34 per person per night unless more join. I'm not sure I want more than six a night though...
  23. Hooray, thanks! I just installed it, and indeed it works!
  24. Not likely. Chipamp is a collection of input plugins for a Windows-only program called Winamp. The .exe you see is merely the installer.
  25. Aww, now I feel bad about missing out on my own birthday thread from last year... thanks anyway!
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