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Everything posted by Unununium

  1. Aside from having a panel room for an hour, how with OCR be involved in SGC2010? Will shirts and bumper stickers be sold? Will there be live DJ'ing for the video game room? I know there will be a Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix (ReMix!) tournament, but will it be dominated by Larry's unabashedly pink T-Hawk? What Famous Personalities will be there? Are there any unofficial side events not on the SGC schedule? And so on. What will that wonderful hour in the panel room entail? A live podcast, hmm. Does that just mean hanging out, yakking about VGM, and playing ReMixes? Sounds like fun! Pardon my ignorance. As has been previously observed, this thread is hard to follow. Edit: wow, the post counter matches my name nicely!
  2. I have a couple Zircon StudSensors. They work great, thanks! :^)

  3. http://growth.smackjeeves.com/ff9/

    A friend drew this astounding FF9 artwork as a gift to me, and I wrote a brief story to match. You might like it.

  4. Please make more awesome music soon. ;^)

  5. Heya! Did you get a chance to see my FF9 short story and my friend's accompanying artwork? I wrote about Beatrix. :^)

  6. Earlier tonight I thought I discovered something negative about this mix that I had never noticed before: it's repetitive. (Bear with me here!) So I came to this thread to write a post complaining about such, but I wasn't willing to do a drive-by hit piece, I wanted to break it down and do some analysis. Here's what I found: the only reason I had thought this mix was repetitive was that I had randomly seeked (sought?) through it and got a repetition of the same source recording, and this happened a couple times. That was too hasty a judgment on my part, in fact I now think I was 100% wrong. :^) Probably it was the once-repeated viola segment that got me. That's definitely forgivable; it's balanced out by the variant viola immediately before the guitar outro shred. I have now listened to the mix six or more times in a row without getting tired of it in the least. Sure, it's pieced together from a library of live recordings, but that's normal for an online collaboration. When listened to as intended (beginning to end), it all flows very naturally. Not only does it not feel repetitive when played normally, it also doesn't feel repetitive when played in a loop. That's amazing; few songs can do that, and I'm sorry I ever thought ill of this mix. I will definitely listen to it again sometime soon!
  7. That's a very serious charge! djpretzel needs to take himself to court, where if found guilty he will have to pay himself a fine. He ought to know better than to try to pass off his own work as if it was his own. Next time he should get his permission before quoting himself without attribution.
  8. djpretzel, you have a music-related reflex arc in your somatic nervous system. The only prescription... is less cowbell.
  9. Thanks, found it!
  10. Does this include updates to existing mixes? The page only mentions newly posted mixes.
  11. Is there a forum thread, RSS feed, log, mailing list, newsgroup, etc. that keeps track of remix updates? I'd like a way to keep my collection in sync with the site.
  12. The guitar-ish pattern starting at 2:12 sounds like it came straight out of 808 State - Banacheq (track 12 on Don Solaris), shifted up by two semitones or so. Not that I'm complaining or anything--- 808 State is awesome, good choice. Spot the sample. :^)
  13. Is that the Facebook chat "pop!" sound at 3:03? Naah, can't be... Facebook didn't exist in 2002. Weird.
  14. I need you to paint my house.

  15. Moo, say I. Moo!

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