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Everything posted by Unununium

  1. Many remix publication pages contain broken links. This is understandable since the site has been reorganized several times, and redirects have been put in to try and fix some stuff. However, I notice that /remixer/ redirects are hit-and-miss, particularly for artists whose urlnames have changed. Take http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01387/ which links to http://ocremix.org/remixer/mythrilnazgul . That redirect's busted. I tried visiting djpretzel's artist profile and staring at him, but that didn't fix anything. So I'm posting here instead. How should we fix this? (Should we fix it at all?) One option is to spider all the publication pages to check for broken links and fix those within our power to fix; I'm sure that can be automated to some degree. Another is to make the /remixer/ redirects smarter, which is good because that'll restore external links into OCR which used to work. Perhaps we do both. Spider the pages for the purpose of collecting common-but-bad URLs, add their corrections to the redirect database, and update the pages to not actually rely on the redirect. /remixer/ could be smart enough to search the artist name/urlname/aka database and redirect if unambiguous. For bonus points, in case of ambiguity instead redirect to the search page. Yeah I know it looks like I'm spamming this thread, but lately I've been doing some intense OCR listening and studying, reading submission comments and checking up on history, so I'm putting the site through its paces. I figure I ought to report stuff as I find it.
  2. This track is drenched in butter and mystery and is topped with crunchy sprinkles.
  3. When posting a song link to Facebook, the thumbnail image is always one of the recent album covers in the Music menu. I suggest investigating a way to let the thumbnail image be the game screenshot or the song's album cover.
  4. Billy "Big Bang" Blitz from Clash At Demon Head. zero mixes, sadly... someone should fix that
  5. Already dropping hints about the next album project?
  6. Or fire Sasha for 4.59 seconds.
  7. I spotted a similar issue. The Destroy Movements and The Shining Blue Armor Descends pages, and everything that links to them (searches, game pages, etc.), list the artist as CHIPP Damage, even though he now goes by The Legendary Zoltan. The ID3v2 tags for these songs (in both the new torrents and the mirror downloads) give the correct artist name. However, this time there's no issue with duplicate artists. All the CHIPP Damage links get redirected to The Legendary Zoltan; the numeric artist ID is the same.
  8. I must have this keyboard.
  9. Agreed on all counts.I just noticed that the fadeout transition includes a momentary cut to silence. It's certainly not intentional, because when the sound comes back there's still a lingering echo from the previous "track". But even if I don't like how the middle transition, I must say that I quite like the ending. Simple and effective and not a fadeout.
  10. Is it just me, or did we get five more $500 backers in the last few hours? WOW. Also, there's a $50 slot up for grabs. Looks like someone upgraded big-time!!
  11. http://ocremix.org/artist/4342/ypoi http://ocremix.org/artist/4414/grodan-grobi Aren't these the same person? Why are they separate pages, then? All three mixes linked from either page list the artist as Grodan Grobi.
  12. My concern about opening up additional $50 slots is that some of the $100 folks may opt to convert to $50. Think about it. The first $50 buys ten FF CDs, a DVD, three download albums, and supporter credit. The second $50 buys one non-FF CD plus five OCR stickers. If the backer's goal is to support OCR, they'll absolutely stick with $100; but if they just want to get swag, they'll find the $50 level to be more economical.The gamble is balancing this potential loss against attracting people to move up from $25-, plus those who said "$50 or bust" but came too late to the party. Naturally, this is all trumped by restrictions that may have been negotiated with SE.
  13. I'm a little curious why the $5K level doesn't include any of the lower-level prizes. It looks to me like there's no physical copy of FF6. It's not clear how to claim multiple prizes, other than by making multiple pledges using aliases or in friends' names.
  14. Rose of May/Loss of Me: 163.3 KiB JPEG / 965.5 KiB PNG / 453.4 KiB TIFF / all 1700 × 2200 I made this in February 2009, and it was my first attempt at doing sheet music. I think it turned out reasonably nice. I'm particularly proud of my quarter rests. I remember it took me about eight straight hours, and I used scratch paper to practice my handwriting and to try out different ways of writing things before copying to my final. Sorry about the strange choice of clefs: the left hand uses a G clef transposed down an octave. It just felt more comfortable to me... Also I wonder if I did the time signature right... something tells me I got half the speed I meant to write. Not sure. I was pleasantly surprised when The Rose General was posted just a couple months later.
  15. If I pledged at the $10K level, I'd demand ReCapitated.
  16. I'm glad we're at this point despite the lack of $5000 backers. I believe there were two before. Instead we get around two hundred more $50 backers, and I'd prefer to have more people at a lower level than a handful at a high level. Also, I don't remember going beyond $80K before, and right now we're 10% beyond that at $88K, with three weeks to go.
  17. All the album physical copies sell out at around $200K, which would be phenomenal. I wonder if anyone will come in for $5K this time. I notice the $10K level is gone this time around...
  18. Wow! After only one day, the $50 level is nearly halfway sold out. People who want physical copies of this album will either need to hurry with their pledges or be prepared to pledge at the $100+ levels.
  19. You can increase your pledge anytime over the next month.
  20. Just this morning I was wondering about the status of this project. I am very relieved and grateful that everything turned out as well as it has. The very moment I got the email announcing the new Kickstarter, I went there and made my pledge double what it was the previous go-'round. (Larry will know what that means.) I'm so excited!
  21. Sorry for bothering everyone with this. I figured out the problem. I forgot that I had configured my browser to spoof the user agent string to be Opera, and that apparently caused the forum servers to send the wrong post format scripts, or to not send them at all. Restoring the default user agent fixes everything in Firefox.
  22. Now it works again in Firefox (Aurora 17.0a2 (2012-09-15)) as well as Chrome, but still not MSIE. Wonder what changed...
  23. Here's an effective use of this mix: http://hoursofanger24.ytmnd.com/
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