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Everything posted by Kaden

  1. ahhh, okay. they said over the okaton thing, so i assumed i just missed it. thanks for clarifying it
  2. Apparently it was supposed to be announced this past weekend, anyone know? sorry if it was said someplace else, I can't seem to find it. J/w
  3. Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't specify. I meant to say Most of the decpticons died, not all, As I didn't see starscream die at all.
  4. 1. Agree'd 2. How can a movie about 2 1/2 hrs. be considered Short? I went to A 1:30 showing and it ended @ 4 pm. 144 min...I don't think thats short really. Characters. You should obviously know Sam. The others..maybe not so much, but, were they really THAT important to know about to begin with? 3. And..all the decepticons apparently died too. yeah..Original! btw, the Autobot was named Jazz. 4. Agree'd The movie rocked, I'd pay to see it again. I am also very glad that they left Optimus as a Semi-Truck and Starscream as the Jet fighter. ( I'm not sure on starscream, but I remember hearing they were gonna do Optimus as a Firetruck, Wtf..) ~kaden
  5. I have patience, lol. Just curious though.
  6. any new information you can give us eager folks?
  7. ok, thanks for the headsup. didn't know.
  8. Lmfao, Thats awesome. carlton..
  9. This is awesome and everything, and Great job Liontamer. My only question is..Could you put a Vincent avatar in there? It would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Any new info that any of you can divulge to us eager fans?
  11. Either way, I know I am going to love this for quite sometime. the Aeris mix is probably the BEST non-orchestral or lovey dovey peice that I have ever heard. The aeris remix pieces on here are alright, but the one on this project sounded very good, can't wait to hear the full thing.
  12. sweet, Thanks for clarifying that.
  13. @ 3:56 it really really sounds like the Mako Reactor theme. I've been waiting for someone to remix it, and if it is what I think it is, It sounds really badass. Awesome job. Also, that vocal piece at the end of the teaser sounds amazing too. You guys are doing a very awesome job and I cannot wait for this arrangement to be done.
  14. Is that a bad thing though Thin? I think it is good none the less. also, maybe it is the person in first person, and then realizing and telling themselves, "you're not alone, you've got friends".
  15. I like this wip alot. hope it gets on the site and goodluck ~Kaden
  16. I say who really cares? It sounds good right? That is all that matters.
  17. I have been waiting a while for this too. I actually forgot about it with all my pc problems lately but Now im back into watching this again. You guys are awesome and keep up the good work. I especially love that "teaser" of the Red XIII Remix. Awesome stuff. ~Kaden
  18. i think that this mix is pretty good bro, i like it as a whole. i also like how towards the end it gets better. keep up the good work man. ~Kaden
  19. Very nice song. Like it alot man, and good work on it. ~Kaden
  20. Very nice...melodic...and he captures the emotion of the music almost perfectly, if not perfectly already..Great work..and acoustic fireworks was a Very good peice of work as well. in my own opinion. ~Kaden
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