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Posts posted by Crulex

  1. Actually pretty good for a short ambient piece. SFX of rain in the back was a great addition for this type of arrangement. The themes come in just enough to give you that melody and nostalgia, but other than that, it's light and airy, which is nice. Only real complaints here is that it's short and the abrupt ending. I just don't like quick endings like that. Other than that, one of the better AmIEvil ReMixes, I'd say.

  2. DiGi's accent in this was interesting to hear. I haven't much in the way of British rap, so that was a cool treat. I love the grittiness to the sound during the raps, adding to the overall tone and how Bekah's beautiful voice is the cherry on top of all the vocal work, bringing in the light to the darkness here. Awesome. Speaking of which, I love the lyrics in this ReMix because I know people (as well as being one of those people) who have felt some of these emotions and feelings, and I can understand the message here. When a song resonates with you on those levels, it's a powerful thing. To hear it with Hot-Head Bop's melody is pretty fun. Outstanding ReMix, guys.

  3. Wow....like seriously, wow! This is amazing. The production, the arrangement, the instrument choices...this is a wonderful ReMix, man. All that hard work paid off and this is a strong mix to debut with. Peaceful and full of natural life, I would say. I agree that the fadeout wasn't as great of an ending as it could have been, and normally fadeouts don't bother me, but in this context, a slow end or happy, definite end might have been better. But all that aside, this is terrific and I hope we hear more from you.

  4. Actually kinda like the toned-down and straight to the point style of this mix. It may not take the source too far out in open water, and comes off thin, but for my taste I still like the minimal input here. E. Honda's theme is kinda made for less is more, and even though a little more here would have been great, there isn't really much here that turns me off of the ReMix that much. My only really gripe is the ending that seemed to come up too quick, but eh, oh well.

  5. I am unfortunately also one of those people who are not familiar with the Land series for the most part, having had the Country stuff from the SNES. However, taking the ReMix in itself, this is a gorgeous mix that would really be perfect for something called "Kremlantis Submerged" in a newer DK game. Really brings to mind a watery adventure that has lots of energy, but some mystery in the background as well, as many great watery tunes have. This is quite impressive, Rexy, and I have to say that I think this is one of my favorites off the album. Awesome stuff.

  6. Really loved the opening, where the flute and all else really seemed to bring the woods to life, and then when the brass came it, I agree with Emblem that it shook me for a moment, but it soon found it's place and I loved it. So much going on in this ReMix as far as instrumentation goes, which shows how well thought out this was, and of course I have to give a nod to the electric guitar. Having the guitar in the foreground while the woods slowly but surely popped back up with force at the end was great. Damn good stuff, man.

  7. Of course, you know what would have been cool? If somehow it would have been mixed with DeeJay from Super Street Fighter's theme. It so lends itself to it.

    I can hear where that could have indeed been done and yeah, that would have been cool. Still, it's pretty cool in itself how this source lends itself to this kind of arrangement. I like this so much more than the original, and whenever a ReMix can make me like it more than an original, I have to give it huge props. Nicely done, McVaffe.

  8. The title looks like something AmIEvil would have put out. :P Light-hearted playful teasing aside, not a bad mix really. Some parts get a little repetitive and the explosions could have been spaced out a bit to keep it from seeming overdone, but for it's age, it's more of a sign of the times than anything. Not terrible or anything, just not for me.

  9. The midi is strong with this one. Like, really freaking strong. I do have to at least say that the drums were indeed the best part of this mix, and to be fair, since I am used to listening to midi files of songs, this is put together fairly well in that aspect, but all in all, just seems more like another one of those rather than a ReMix one would expect from here.

  10. Short, sudden ending, so on and so forth, yes, there are things that people can pick at with this mix and I would tend to agree, but for what is in this ReMix, I do have to say that I liked the piano work and the flute didn't bug me as much as it could have. A nice mix, but that's all. McVaffe certainly has better in his collection, but this is a nice bite-sized piece.

  11. Oh, wow, yeah see I thought this was going to be much different from the intro, but all the glitching and distorting effects are set to go all out on you if you're not prepared. Certain sounds and tones were a little sharp to me, but that's just my personal taste working against me and I get the idea behind the mix perfectly, and I think this delivers. Very nice.

  12. Oh, gorgeous soundscape. This is perfect to relax to and let it just wash over you with it's atmosphere of peace. It really doesn't seem like a five minute song when you shut your mind off and just listen, because it flows so smoothly. Love the layered vocals as well. Very nice, a really beautiful ReMix, man.

  13. So hard to beat a piano with a beautiful melody, and that's what we've got here. I hate to use the term "simple", because there is more than just the piano going on, but as far as the arrangement goes, it focuses on what it seems to have to. It doesn't try to fit in too many extra instruments or fluff and sticks to what makes it gorgeous. Everything sounds like it has a place, like a cog in a machine. Not bad.

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