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Posts posted by Crulex

  1. I think I found the best possible way to listen to this song.

    Driving home from work late tonight, a a bit of a chill in the air, nobody else on the streets, and this comes up on my mp3 player.

    You know, imagining my way back from work through my little town at night with this in the background is actually oddly fitting, so yeah, gotta agree. It's an "end of the day" kind of song. It's got a serene vibe with a bit of a beat to keep things going, much like the feeling you get after working at night (tired and calm and at peace, but still jazzed up from actually working). Nice.

  2. This is a pretty cool ReMix just for the dramatic and slightly tense Zimmer style of arrangement being applied to Aquatic Ambiance. The Scuba/Vader-like effects were a nice touch. My only complaint is that at around 2:30 in length, it kinda leaves me wanting more because it had such a great run while it was going and I was thoroughly enjoying it. But, I supposed that is where the replay button comes in. Over and over again. Awesome mix, man.

  3. Okay, now see, I like this. While you can hear the age, the direction of where this mix was headed is something I could get behind. Much like Tilly said, some more strength to the mix would have been great, but it really fits some sort of feeling of conclusion, like a credits theme or some heroic montage to turn things around. I'd really love to hear this one revisited and redone by today's standards and production values, cause that would be damn awesome. Appropriate title name for this ReMix based on the vibe it gives.

  4. Yet another ReMix that doesn't go too far from the source besides some arrangement style choices. I get the idea behind some ragga Mario here, but it just doesn't seem to get far enough to where I'd like it in that style until the very end, and even then it sounded like the tip of the iceberg for where Bob Mario-ly could have gone. I can't complain much, because I liked it for what it was, but McVaffe has better in his collection that I can enjoy more.

  5. Conservative as the melody is, I have to give Scott some praise here. I personally enjoy ReMixes that seem to be in the "updated and refreshed" territory, where they add something (or several somethings) special to the source and make it sound fresh again. This is where this sounds to me. The darker tone, the fast paced percussion and the cymbal hits at the points where it is needed. This is one of those early mixes I will gladly file under hidden gem in my opinion.

  6. Haha, the opening being so toned down and chiptunish made me laugh, because Zeromus was such an easy opponent that it fit him in my head. The rest of the ReMix, however, was weirdly entertaining. While there were plenty of dubstep elements, it was honed in enough to enhance the melody rather than just distort it. 3:45 was were I really went "yeah, buddy, that's it!" though, because that line of beat was more my speed. All in all, an excellent listening experience.

  7. Going to have to agree with the other reviews, the drums could use a little more variation, but all in all, this seems like a V.2 take on the MM3 boss theme. Which, honestly, doesn't bother me because I'm always up for hearing "enhanced" mixes. Just could use a little bit more to really stand out. This really needed a little more change over the progression of the mix and shine to make it what it could have been. Still, nice to hear a boss theme other than a Wily boss or MM2 boss theme get mixed.

  8. It's like ambiance with a pulse, which I can actually get behind. The sounds are so outlandish, but they work in an oddly cohesive way, like they are just meant to go together. Some of the synths and bliptrips weren't my thing on a personal taste level, but stylistically, this was a pretty good arrangement. Everything is so uneasy, but it still works as a whole picture, which is always interesting to hear. Cool stuff.

  9. Wonderful piano work here, it's always pretty sweet to hear multiple themes connected together in such a way, and it makes me interested to hear the following versions to come. Everything everyone has already said, I pretty much agree with. This is an improvement to your debut mix, and while there are still a few things that one could nitpick here, none of it really hurts the mix that much that you wouldn't enjoy it. Good stuff, man!

  10. I just can't get enough of Kate's amazing vocals. I mean, there are quite a few female vocalists on OCR and beyond, and I'm not out to take anything away from them at all because they are truly talented, but I'm amazed at how consistantly awesome Kate's voice is, especially matched up with the instrumental music behind it that is just as gorgeous. Seriously, the music alone is well done, but as a combined track, the vocals and music compliment each other. There's something magical about this piece, and I think it's the enchanting pictures and mystically soothing vibes you get from the arrangement. Evktalo is right, I wouldn't have been surprised if someone tried to convince me that this was a LOTR piece or something similar. Going to my playlist right now.

  11. Gonna have to agree with anyone who said this would be a great fit for some old hip hop, especially for one of those folks who like to freestyle over beats. I've heard it done with much simpler stuff on youtube, so this would work for that. When looked at in that context, the age and length of the mix aren't the most damaging things to it. Think I would prefer this mix that way rather than on it's own. It's all in the perspective, but other than that, not bad.

  12. Man, that drum beat sounds so retro....and I'm not even mad, I don't mind oldschool sounds at all. Granted, this is dated and has conservative elements out the wazoo, but for what it's worth, it's certainly not the worst Chemical Plant mix I've ever heard. Sometimes I'll take a mix that is close to the original and has minor changes to a mix that is too liberal, but that's just me. Jivemaster has done better, but this is a good place to see one of the earlier Jive works to compare and appreciate.

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