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Posts posted by Crulex

  1. That's an incredibly sexy sax we have going on in this ReMix. Honestly, I liked the piano myself, but I could understand where the judges were coming from with their critiques. Matter of taste, I guess. For a source (or two, or an entire game for that matter) that has been done an awful lot, it's still great to hear a nice, new arrangement from other ReMixers. Good stuff, guys.

  2. Okay, so hearing the other version on his actual site, I can at least retract several comments I would have made about the loud hissing noises, a couple (not all, but some) off-key notes in the organ and guitar and it does sound better there than in the preview here. It's not night and day, but it's immensely more tolerable on his actual site to say the least. Not really digging the fade-out ending, and not because it's a fade-out, but because I think an actual melodically driven ending would have been better, but that's just me.

  3. There is something about this ReMix, but I really don't know what it is. The production, which is usually where a lot of older mixes start to trip up, is off at points to varying degrees, but it has some old-school vibes that allow me to not completely write it off entirely. Not for me, I'm afraid, but I'm sure there are fans of it.

  4. I liked you guys' first Golden Sun ReMix, sure. But this, however, I think is much better in just about every aspect. It's awesome. I love the amount of variety in the arrangement of this ReMix, ranging from the heavy rock style that is perfect for a battle track, to the bit of chip bit at 2:28 and the slower, more deliberate rock near the end. The production sounds clean and the ReMix itself sounds very natural and authentic musically. Nice job, fellas.

  5. I find it interesting that some people barely hear any source and others can pinpoint it out. I don't have a problem at all hearing the source, but that doesn't mean anything. Just something I found funny for myself. And with that out of the way, the song's arrangement of funky electronica is terrific in it's own right. Well produced, liberal enough to expand and actually rearrange the tune while still maintaining enough of the original to truly make it a ReMix.

  6. Someone put a Lemon in our lime. And it's a very good thing considering the ReMix we've found with it. Very cool electronica chiptune arrangement and a great amount of direction throughout the mix to keep it fresh. While the energy is static, like DJP mentioned, I think the style this ReMix was done in and the way it was mix more than makes up for any real nitpicking. A job well done, Hylian Lemon.

  7. If I ever needed a song for one of those thought-provoking, reflective moments in a movie, I think this is around the style I'd be looking for.

    It does have that sort of whimsically powerful darkness about it that I could hear in a movie. Sounds just like the kind of arrangement that would fit a Final Fantasy 4 movie score for the dungeons, because it has those deary booming bassoons that turns into more of the same with fantastical lifts dancing around them. Got a small shade of Potter vibe in some areas, but just a little one. Like everyone else mention, the thing is overly quiet and I had to turn the volume up just to hear the ReMix, but after that, not bad.

  8. A lot of people seem to hate the Final Fantasy X soundtrack, which is my favorite VGM OST ever.

    Yeah, I'm with you on that. I actually don't even hate the Final Fantasy X-2 music either. I liked both games and OSTs for the most part.

    Not sure about original opening to Street Fighter 4 now since people seem to have warmed up to it over the years, but it seemed like I was the only one to like it when it first came out.

  9. So yeah, if this was sped up, it really would be in the realm of Hawaiian polka and chicken dance and such. I don't know, I kinda like it for the arrangement idea of taking the shop theme and throwing a happy half-goofy tropical overlay on it. Not groundbreaking at all and as others have said, certain samples and production values aren't as good as others, but it's fun to listen to a couple of times.

  10. Well, this is about as straightforward as it gets, really. It is pretty close to the original, but there is some personalization with the drums and beats, so it has a little something to separate it from the Mario theme. It's not bad, and I even like it because it's basically a spruced up version of the original, but you can definitely see the standards change when looking at this compared to a couple years later.

  11. The use of Scorpion's spear hook is actually a really nice touch and fits right in with the rest of this arrangement. Doesn't exactly hold up after so many years, but it doesn't sound terrible either. I kinda agree with Vilecat, I actually don't think it was too repetitive (not as bad as some mixes, anyway), but it ran a little long near the end when you total everything up. Good for letting it play in the back while doing other things, I'd say.

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