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Posts posted by Crulex

  1. Interesting sound coming off the synths and the e-piano, but they work well together with the guitar to make a wonderful ReMix. Has a nice upbeat feeling to it, and while I also wish there was a little more past the ending solo, that's only because it was built up so well up to that point. Nice work, Ivan, and great ReMix!

  2. Slick downbeat we have here. Yeah, this has some smooth, dreamy synth and bass work I can really get behind. While I also agree a bit with OA and kinda wish the compression wasn't quite so high, I can see the effect of it on the arrangement and I dig the idea quite a lot. Just a small puddle of an issue compared to the ocean that is this wonderful ReMix to me. Nice work as always, Radiowar.

  3. The voices lend a bit of arrange-album authenticity to it

    Want to go ahead and quote that because I get the same feeling from it, especially from listening to MMZ arrangement albums that have had similar stuff in more dramatic pieces. The piano is gorgeous and it has a nice beat that goes against what I normally expect (skips a bit faster ahead of the melody, making it a tad grander and tense, like a battle where the hero just got a second wind). All in all, this ReMix holds up extremely well for being over ten years old and I definitely would recommend this one.

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