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Posts posted by Crulex

  1. And this is why DrumUltima is DrumUltima. Because no one is more Ultima with Drums than DrumUltima. Come on, he's the Ultima. :razz: But seriously, amazing percussion work in this ReMix and this sets up that kind of African Savannah/ Prehistoric wasteland kind of vibe to me perfectly. I'd be thrilled to hear this kind of quality in any game or movie any day. Damn, this is good stuff.

    As for the title (brilliant by the way), this is a good chance to exercise a little thing we call "not taking every little thing so seriously". Life is better with humor and laughter than with anger.

  2. Okay, so a beefed up, harder-edged Song of Prayer is my kind of ReMix. Song of Prayer was a beautiful source and to give it an extra bit of rock and energy while adding in the original voices is awesome to me. I would have loved for this to have been playing during the Sin battle on the ship, considering that the whole Spira world was supposed to be singing at that point in the story. Nice ReMix, gents.

  3. I actually don't mind the autotune, since it's not overused like it could be. I think Flexstyle did his vocals in a tasteful way like DJP said, and he and Jason Covenant made a great mix out of these two sources. It's great to hear Cossack get another ReMix, as it seems to be one of the lesser used Castles. Interesting that only half of this ReMix has vocals and the rest from then on is pretty much the instrumentation, but it gives it a bit of a "this ReMix takes off like a plane NOW" kind of arrangement, and I can get behind that type of uniqueness. Great Megaman ReMix, guys.

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