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Posts posted by Crulex

  1. After hearing the intro, I wasn't expecting this to pick up as much as it did, but from acoustic beauty to energy filled beats, this is like a truck starting off slow and then just taking off and then slowing back down like a tanker. The switch to the slower, acoustic end from the upbeat middle section is a tad unusual, but nothing that bothered me too much. Not bad.

  2. The prelude theme is one of those sources that amaze me with all the different ways ReMixers have found to ReMix and rearrange it without getting stale and finding a new way to present it. BONKERS adds to the list with this pretty cool metal take on it that not only rearranges it, but does it for over six minutes, which can't be that easy to do with this theme, I'd guess, and I have to say that the breakdown in the middle fits so well with the rest of the ReMix. Just when you think you've beaten this source to death, someone picks it up and takes it further. Nicely done, BONKERS.

  3. To hear someone try to change things up while ReMixing One Winged Angel is such a breath of fresh air. Not that I have anything against mixes that stick closer to the original structure, but it's just neat to hear something a little different from time to time. Probably not my favorite take on either theme, but it was a damn good go at using them both together and a ReMix I can certainly enjoy and appreciate. Not bad, man.

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