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Posts posted by Crulex

  1. Dated, mechanical....sure this has a lot of issues that plenty of early, early ReMixes suffer from, but at times like this, it's the arrangement and what the ReMix was going for that shows whether it's a classic or a ReMix that just hasn't held up to me. Orkybash has a tendency to straddle that line for me a lot, usually to the positive, but as a guy who loves FFX's music and some of the ideas shown here, there is nothing about this ReMix that would keep me from listening to it again.

  2. Honestly, I've always liked "Indestructible" more than other people seem to. That little add-in of it does make this sound more like a seasoned Guile from SFIV rather than SF2, and of course Guile's theme has been getting some great ReMixes, with Neblix adding another one. Yes, as the judges pointed out, there may be a few things here and there to pick at, but all in all, this is a terrific addition to the Apex album and shows Neblix's talents well. Sweet stuff, man.

  3. So, I have to say that I'm really loving the arrangement style of electronica with rock interwoven in it. That's something I've love to hear a lot more of, because it just seems to take electronic tracks and give them that kick that I can get behind. Even if it's similar the other way around, it just seems different enough to make this stand out. Either way, it's great to hear a lot of Tekken themes get some love in a way that is entertaining and quality. Well done, Ivan, great ReMix.

  4. Oh man, I was not expecting anything like this from a Mario Paint ReMix. So many awesome ideas come out of the synths, especially around the first minute and the many switch-ups made this sound like serious business. Really, if there was anything that could have been close to a boss battle in which you have to use painting and Mario (like Kirby and yarn, I guess), this would fit. Surprising and full of energy, very nice, guys!

  5. My favorite part of this massive three part extravaganza of hip-hop/rap talent. Anything that can be said about any section holds true for this one as well. The character raps were clever, and some of the rappers sounded close or at the very least nailed the general feeling of who they were trying to be. I'm especially digging The Auracle's bit as Snake/DMX. Everyone in OverClocked Assembled as something to be proud of with this awesome 20+ minute work of art. Nice work, guys and girls.

  6. There's something about acoustic guitar that gives a song character that it wouldn't have with some other instruments, and even though this has bits of conservative and melody playing, it's that character and the arrangement idea that makes this shine. Very glad this got accepted, because a dual acoustic guitar arrangement of this many CastleVania tracks is something special the way it was played. Damn good stuff, fellas.

  7. I'll be honest, I wasn't feeling this at the start, but the longer this ReMix went on, the more I began to like it. It really seemed to pull everything together shortly after the first minute. Very charming in a retro kind of way, mixing the quirky synths, the drums and the weird, but sorta happy melody. Not bad for your debut mixpost.

  8. Dude, you have a total knack for great smooth arrangements with neat little source cameos. I did chuckle a little at Gerudo Valley popping in, but it's such a welcomed addition to this ReMix, and those vocals by Sabrina are unbelievably gorgeous. I'm going to have to agree with Sarad, if you ever give Song of Storms a shot with an arrangement like this, that would be awesome. But this is a awesome ReMix in it's own right and I'll be enjoying this for a long time.

  9. Okay, so I absolutely love Besaid Island. The look, the music, and the general easy-going atmosphere makes it one of the towns that I would have picked to live in if given the chance in some fictional turn of events. That being said, DA's voice carries that same kind of easy-going, floating pleasantry that I originally got from that place. Gotta say, I think this may be one of my favorite vocal ReMixes from DA, and I think EFields handled the arrangement quite well. Nice work both of you.

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