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Posts posted by Crulex

  1. Woooo, boy, this is freaking blazing from all the energy and guitar work, but in a good way, as it seems to be right where it needs to be to sound great without going too overboard. I love heroic suped up J-Rock arrangement's like this that get you pumped, and being one of those arrangements that stick close to the source while putting your own personalization on it makes it all the better to me. Definitely recommended.

  2. I'm actually not looking forward to much since I'm spending more time trying to play games that I should have played years ago (classic NES/Sega and early PS2 stuff), but there are some that have caught my eye.

    Bravely Default- Normally don't play a whole lot of RPG's, but the hype this has been getting and the demo have me interested at least.

    Smash 4: Do I really need to elaborate? Smash for 3DS, done.

    Shantae and the Pirate's Curse: Story that makes sense from where the sequel left off, game mechanics being varied for the new pirate style, Jake Kaufman back on music......just have to see when this will actually come out.

    Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze: Don't have a Wii U and certainly don't want a Wii U just for this one game, but I'll find a way to play this somehow down the line even if I have to borrow/rent a Wii U and the game from a friend.

    Kirby Triple Deluxe: Because Kirby hasn't let me down yet.

  3. The ending theme of Sonic 3 is one that I enjoyed for being of the of the few early Sonic endings to not be just a medley of previous stages, making it really feel like an ending. Good to see that spirit and "grand easing finale" feeling represented here. Some production elements are so open, they could be picked over like a vulture picking over Simba if you wanted to, but overall, I think the pros solidly outweigh the cons. Not bad, man.

  4. For a first go at dubstep, this is pretty good, I gotta say. I think you did a decent job of weaving in and out of Cammy and Ken's theme, especially right in the middle at about 2:05 and on. It's awesome how often two SF themes seem to blend together naturally. SFX were added but not overused, and you balanced dub with melody, all in all, not bad at all. Obviously, things are there that will be picked at, but as a listener, I enjoyed it.

  5. Nice long intro that builds into the progressive beat, but I do have to agree that the volume discrepancy was just a tad to much once you got past the intro, but it wasn't something that a simple turning up and down of the volume couldn't fix. Being that Fear Factory is my favorite DKC1 source, I love how the middle section at 4:48 was handled before the ReMix breaks out of it's bonds for a moment. Overall, a few things that could be nitpicked at, but certainly nothing that broke the ReMix. Good stuff.

  6. I don't have many issues with regular crazy, chaotic dubstep when done right, because I have heard chaotic dubstep done right, and it's nice to go hard sometimes. However, I actually do prefer this kind of tamer dubstep, where it focuses more on the melody of the ReMix and only dubawubs to get the appropriate gritty or synthy sound and electronic buzz going in the arrangement. Adding rather than just distorting. Very clean, not headache inducing, and uses dubstep ideas without going the "let's just grind it to dust and see what happens" route. Not bad, Homeslice.

  7. Really is a case of mileage may vary when it comes to music like this, because if you're a fan of it, you can tolerate a lot more repetition and build than others. To me, even though it does run pretty long and hit some repetitive sections, I think you handled the repetition issue fairly well by evolving the piece little by little, but I can see how others may feel differently. It is a tricky thing that comes down to taste and ears. Either way, FFmusic Dj's return last year was quite a welcomed sight and this ReMix showed a lot of improvement in his talent in my opinion. Very good, I like it a lot.

  8. Like I've said before, the trick with trance and other genres like it (in my opinion as a listener, not a musician, since I'm not one), is to make sure you never get repetitive and keep things interesting for however long the song is, especially in trance when songs get up there in the minutes. Jewbei manages to not only succeed at this greatly, but works in Gravity Beetle's stage theme between the original stuff pretty good. A great addition to the MR album and a great tribute to one of the few Maverick stages in MMX3 that didn't frustrate the living hell out of me.

  9. Chimpazilla is on a roll, getting up to Judge and getting posted all within a month! Congrats again! As for the mix, yeah, you could nitpick lots of things, but for the things I liked, I really enjoyed the ambient bird noises that come and go and loved the atmosphere of the entire mix. You nailed that "Foresty Woods" vibe 100%. Great job to all three of you for this nice track.

  10. Piano isn't necessarily the first thing I think of when I think of F-Zero, but when played right, it can be used on just about anything from what I've heard. And JJT executes it's beauty all over this ReMix. Age certainly doesn't seem to be a factor for this track, and everything has held up as well as one could hope for. Maybe I'll get around to actually playing more of F-Zero, but until then, I can just listen to this wonderful piece.

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