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Murmeli Walan

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Everything posted by Murmeli Walan

  1. 3/31/09: Newcomer DJ Mokram is taking Team China. Holy crap, only Team Kenya is unclaimed?! ...yeah, what Kyle said.
  2. I was wondering when the phrase "Golden Age of UnMod" was gonna be used in this thread. 19 pages, not bad.
  3. Instead of doing awesome stuff, we just talk about how we used to do awesome stuff.
  4. It must be tough not knowing if people on the Internet are being serious or not to you, huh?
  5. How DARE he not be aroused by photos and/or video of people he doesn't know having anonymous and meaningless sex without intimacy or love! HE'S A PERVERT!
  6. I don't know. I actually stuck through Guitar Hero III, but I was let down by GH Aerosmith. I think I'll stick with Rock Band 2 and the great weekly DLC. Besides, the Wii version is only getting three songs from Death Magnetic instead of the entire album DLC like the other versions.
  7. UnModerated was a wild place, son. Best left to the old stories and tales.
  8. Oh shit, you archived the "post pictures of yourself nude" and "hentai dojo" threads! ...Mae, I can not believe you just typed the word "pedoporn", lol.
  9. Oh, that really does remind me of how certain posters were in "cliques" like the NWSFS and the Enforcers and the PWCTWIFG and so on and so forth.
  10. This. Tomb Raider and Timesplitters stages for KHIII, plz.
  11. You guys should really stop that. Show some respect for Archion, for God's sake.
  12. I still see those images all over the wallpaper forums at 4chan.
  13. 3/25/09 (OMG AGAIN?): The band 8 Bit Instrumental is taking the Ending/Credits theme! This track has never been claimed before! Just two left!
  14. 3/25/09: Showroom Dummy is trying his hand at Team Japan, and pu_freak is tackling the Title Screen. Three tracks still unclaimed!
  15. My wild Internet past is catching up with me! Oh noes!
  16. You saved fucking everything, didn't you? Thanks for the advice, Dr. Phil. Just because we live thousands of miles away and she's living with and having a relationship with another man doesn't mean we're getting a divorce. She called it "taking an extended break" or something like that...
  17. OH SHIT *digs through OCR photos folder* I just needed to...delete some pics. Duplicate Nice Work Guy edits. Yeah, that's it.
  18. Tubthumping by Chumbawamba http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm4iU0yx9GY
  19. Ugh, I know what that's like. I've a direct link here. http://chronofan.com/Black/Music%20(Chrono%20Trigger)/CT%20Mixtape/
  20. Of course, of course. My mistake.
  21. 3/21/09: Another track update: OA is covering Team England. There are a few remixers out there with "potential interest", so we'll see if anything develops.
  22. Sounds great. You know, Andy Jayne was only an artist from PRC when he joined the project. I've got no problem at all with showcasing new remixers in the project. Put a wip together, and let's see what you can do.
  23. I was actually clapping along in my chair during Starlight Zone. That was some fantastic drumming.
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