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Murmeli Walan

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Everything posted by Murmeli Walan

  1. All of that credit goes to Kyle. The man has networking skills I just simply don't have. Honestly, I don't listen to DoD nearly as much as I should, and I'm not familiar with hoha's work. But I very much trust Kyle's opinion and judgment. I'll be spending my free time this afternoon to check out his stuff.
  2. It will knock your pants off...and then you'll be thrown to the ground...and then you'll die...and then your little angel will float up off the screen.
  3. Not until I get an actual WIP from him. NO until proven YES. EDIT - Never mind, thanks Kyle!
  4. Oops, that's my bad. I've been so busy with video editing project lately, that I haven't been on the forums for a couple of weeks. X.X But yes, October 26th.
  5. http://tinycartridge.com/post/183001276/muscle-sparks-kunio-kun-sampler-this-newly Good God, this sounds great. That is all.
  6. John Cafferty - Hearts On Fire Rick Astley - Together Forever
  7. The problem is that you join all the loser projects, like the one about dodge balls or whatever. Didn't the Bad Dudes kick total ass on that one already? But in all seriousness, if there's anybody who deserves to take all the time they need to get music done, it's you. All seven of those albums will be better for it.
  8. 9/1/09: The second WIP due date passed today, and we did pretty well. Nearly everyone checked in with Kyle, and we only lost Showroom Dummy to the sands of time. Filling in his spot and taking Team Japan: bLiNd! Welcome to the project! Again, the third WIP due date is September 21st.
  9. Now I know which late night death metal-themed cartoons Ailsean's been watching.
  10. I care. 5 star'd and favorite'd.
  11. Holy hell, Chinese Ninja Warrior kicks all kinds of ass.
  12. Duck Hunt: Repercussions Of Foul Lamentation: Plutonium Edition: Anniversary Edition HD Remix
  13. I blame that on Larry. I mean, he wasn't bright enough to not walk in front of the giant speakers while holding a microphone. I'm sure he didn't type the powerpoint, but he's a good person to blame things on. That, and only half of the projects are listed. The girl who answered that question said Super Mario 64 and Pokemon.
  14. Yeah, I can't wait for that updated Goldeneye remake......oh. Well, at least the original will come out on the Virtual Console.......oh.
  15. I'm sure it hasn't been mentioned yet (I won't read five pages of this stuff to find out), but this Saturday marks the launch of the 14th Sonic Amateur Games Expo (SAGE) at http://www.sageexpo.org. With games like Sonic Nexus, Sonic Rebirth, and the very-long-awaited Sonic Robo Blast 2, I'm more excited for this than for anything official that SEGA is putting out. I'm fully convinced that Sonic's future lies in excellently-produced fan-made games. Thoughts?
  16. You guys heard the man, August 31th will be the next WIP date! Let's get these songs in and let's get this album out this year! Also: BOOYAHKA!
  17. Go Team Mile High Club?
  18. Yeah, me. I just found out about her through the band I Fight Dragons, who made their own arrangement of The Process with her vocals. Any album or song in particular I should start with?
  19. More required SDB listening. Congrats, Brad!
  20. 6/12/09: As was mentioned yesterday by KyleJCrb, the moss is being shaken off the ball once again and we're making some more progress! A few new and updated WIPs have been received, and 8-Bit Instrument have finished their track! We'll report on the next WIP due date soon!
  22. Tales project? More like FAILS project.

  23. I'm going to be there at Otakon. It'll be my second year of attending, and I'm just as excited for this year's OCR panel as I was for last year's. I introduced two of my friends to OCR that year and made fans out of them. Here's hoping for more.
  24. I'm Walan everywhere I go online. I'll add the Murmeli part or go by just that name (like I do in WoW) if Walan is ever taken (which it sometimes is, believe it or not).
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