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Murmeli Walan

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Everything posted by Murmeli Walan

  1. Fusion is cool for this: | | \ /
  2. 1/30/09 Update: Okay...minor setback. avaris and The Prophet have pulled their tracks from the project. I thank them both greatly for their interest in AtW, and I hope their tracks get posted on the front page soon. As for us, I'm on the verge of making a big announcement that will ensure that AtW will be finished in 2009. More info to come soon, depending.
  3. Oh God, what have I done?
  4. Yeah? Well.....your mother.
  5. Hey, leave Ran alone. The guy makes some good music, and just because you posted about this first doesn't mean you can make comments when somebody else does.
  6. I've got the source for this one. Sorry about the sound effects, but it's all I can find other than the version that was in Namco X Capcom. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99EYR-nZ2Ys
  7. Bump. I support this man and his music, so give him some feedback, peeps.
  8. Yep, O6 is a pretty awesome dude who makes some good music.
  9. Proof I'm a total dork: when my mom told me this news today. I immediately shouted "KKKKHHHHHAAAAAANNNNN!" She laughed after I reminded her that he was in ST2. RIP.
  10. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00028/ I don't know what you're going to do about this one. And since we're talking about Starla, http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00428/
  11. Be careful with that joke, Kyle. It's an antique.
  12. And by "it", you mean Mustin's balls. In my mother's face. With rubbing.
  13. Ok, I feel like I should address this now before it gets out of hand. I had actually forgotten what I said when I made that disclaimer last May. Reading it now, it feels a little...bitter. I just want to say right now that I have a ton of respect for Mustin and the people who worked on NBNG. I have that album burned to a CD that's in my car right now. Despite a few comments and jokes that I've made in the past, I'm not upset at the Bad Dudes at all for "stealing my thunder", as it were. In fact, back when I first had the idea for AtW, I asked Mustin if he would be interested, to which he told me that he was throwing ideas around for an SDB album of his own. He had thought up his SDB album independently of mine. We both just love that soundtrack and decided that albums should be made as a tribute to the music. It's not like NBNG threw me off guard or anything, I was half expecting it to come out for years. Again, I just want everyone to know that I'm not sitting here at my desk QQing about how how some big bad Internet celebrity stole my album idea, kicked sand in my face, screwed my girlfriend, and teabagged my mother.
  14. Now I'm inspired to create my own superhero persona. I think I'll call myself "The Masked Murmeli". Defender of justice, hero to the residents of Punxsutawney! ...who am I kidding?
  15. This gives me an idea. Why not take some of this unreleased music you've found, finish the pieces, clean them up, then submit them to the site? OCR would have it's first posthumous remix, and it would make a touching tribute to Chris and his music. I can understand and respect if you'd rather leave the music alone in his memory, this is just a passing idea I felt like I had to share.
  16. I remember spending my ENTIRE Christmas day building that one. From Christmas morning until about the evening. Good times.
  17. A lot of great gaming happened to me in 2008. The Super Smash Bros. Brawl release was the first big thing. After obsessively reading the Smash Bros. Dojo website every single weekday for nearly an entire year, the game is released, and it met every single expectation for me. Other highlights include singing "Pretty Fly For A White Guy" on Rock Band 2 in a full gaming room at an convention in Kentucky last Halloween, making an ass of myself at the OCR panel at Otakon over the summer (ok, so that's cheating, but video games were involved, so there!) and turning two of my friends into OCR fans in the process, and getting my old NES working again thanks to some screwdrivers and a ton of windex and building a nice NES collection for myself. But my favorite video gaming moment of the year has been mentioned before, but I'll repeat it: Mega Man 9. One night in particular stands out for me: A friend of mine went with me to another friend's apartment to download and play the game. She laughed her ass off at the two of us playing because we were literately playing out a Penny Arcade comic on her couch. And that's what MM9 made us feel like: little kids on Christmas playing a brand new NES game.
  18. I'm sorry, my last post was WAY off topic. I'll rerail myself now: While the Pirate Ship was sweet (Capt. Redbeard is the coolest minifig ever), my favorite LEGO set was Fort Legoredo. Old Wild West shoot outs with the cowboys and the bad guys, and the secret trap door that falls into a jail cell was fun as heck.
  19. I got that track directly from analoq after he finished it. You clearly don't have the LEET OCR REMIXER CONNECTIONS that I do. But yeah, it's awesome to see OverCoat picking up the anime remixing news in the meantime.
  20. ScrewAttack, because a ton of people are finding about about them thanks to this "feud".
  21. Now this is some great news to hear. A thousand congratulations to you, Jill and Andy.
  22. Bring back disc swapping? It worked with the PS1.
  23. Now would be a good time to pimp out the newest Metroid Metal track, as Stemage used the Korg DS-10 on it. Check it out.
  24. It's obvious. A Metal Gear 3D fighting game for Wii.
  25. Just remember, we're not buying Colbert's album for him (even though a portion of every album sale goes to Feeding America), we're doing it because Kayne needs to be taken down a peg, and who better to do it than someone with a bigger ego? That being said, Colbert's album isn't bad either, if you haven't seen the special yet. "Another Christmas Song" is very catchy, and "Much Worse Things To Believe In" and "(What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love, & Understanding?" are both surprisingly tender songs. So go check it out, anyway.
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